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Furious rude! DDL Zan is a liberticide

Why is it necessary in the Zan DDL to specify that the expression of opinions on the Gender issue is free? Because it is evident that its purpose is to impose a single thought. But it is from the periphery that follows that the perplexity about #DdlZan arises: opinions are allowed "as long as they are not suitable for determining the concrete danger of carrying out discriminatory or violent acts". A conditional judged trivial by opponents of the law, and which would risk putting everything in the hands of the judges, called to decide what is or is not "discriminatory".

But it is not the only point that Vittorio Sgarbi and Maurizio Scandurra contest directly against the discussed Zan Bill, on which there may be changes in the Senate and against which the center-right has presented an alternative law signed by Senator Ronzulli: it would also be the particular on the introduction of gender identity as a teaching topic in schools to perplex the deputy and art critic. The suspicion that this flows into gender education for pupils – even younger ones – was accentuated when the Lazio region disseminated the guidelines for children and adolescents with gender variance in all regional schools – from infancy to high school. "; guidelines then withdrawn following heated protests from parents. Are we sure that this education for our children is right, that it is really useful for them, or are we facing a new abuse of elites who only think about themselves and their vices?

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The furious article Sgarbi! The DDL Zan è liberticida comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/sgarbi-furioso-il-ddl-zan-e-liberticida/ on Thu, 20 May 2021 18:00:01 +0000.