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Economic Scenarios

Germany: Green Dictatorship will bring AfD to power, in the blindness of traditional politics

The sovereignist Alternative for Germany, AfD, continues to grow in German political polls: according to "Bild", the Insa party is now at 19.5 percent after gaining 0.5 percentage points. This is its highest value ever measured by Insa. In the previous week, the AfD was still at the same level as the SPD. In the current poll, however, the Social Democrats have managed to improve by one percentage point to 20%, but that's trifles, pinzillacchere. Next week could be quite the opposite:

CDU-CSU gain 0.5% and stand at 27 percent. The FDP lost one percentage point and reached 8%. The Greens (13 percent) and the Left (4.5 percent) each lost half a percentage point. The other parties remain unchanged at 8 percent.

According to the survey, the parties of the semaphore coalition (SPD+ join 41% and thus clearly lack the parliamentary majority. A black-red alliance of SPD and Union with a total of 47% and a Jamaican coalition of CDU/CSU, Greens and FDP with a total of 48% would each have a parliamentary majority, but politically it is a solution that would be a disaster The CDU-CSU lost Germany politically precisely because of the experience of the "Grosse koalitione", of the "All in" against AfD, at a time when the Liberals were out of parliament and the Greens more oppositional, continuing with this choice would be just yet another suicide.

Germany politically chooses with its stomach. Italians can be impoverished at will and will continue to vote, at least in certain areas, for certain parties, and in any case they cannot free themselves from certain powers. Are the Germans capable of more radical choices under the pressure of the economy, or rather on the fear of social change and well-being?

Green absolutism, which for a time had also fueled the illusion of a victorious Germany also from the side of green industry, has dominated in the last five years, but now it reveals itself only as a huge illusion: USA and China are the real industrial winners of energy conversion, in every sector, from generation to the car. The Germans themselves are beginning to admit this.

So the fear of inflation and de-industrialization is pushing the opposite solutions, namely those of the AfD. In Thuringia there will be a vote in a small municipality that could become the first to have an alternative administration, but now it's up to the CDU to understand what it wants to do when it grows up, whether to govern by involving the AfD or to leave it outside the power, the only real opposition party, to grow indefinitely . Among other things, AfD does NOT have a political exponent in evidence, as can be seen in the polls of Bild itself

There is no popular leader among AfD members who has any real visibility, so it would be easy to agree on outside support. All that remains is to wait and watch.

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The article Germany: the Green Dictatorship will bring AfD to power, in the blindness of traditional politics comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/germania-la-dittatura-verde-portera-afd-al-potere-nella-cecita-della-politica-tradizionale/ on Tue, 13 Jun 2023 10:00:33 +0000.