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GOP primary in Nevada. “None of these candidates” wins. Trump was not on the ballot

Nevada, with its chaotic primary system, allowed literally "Nobody" to win against the candidates in the Republican primaries. Donald Trump was not on the ballot.

Premise: Nevada chose the delegates for the Republican convention, which nominates the Republican presidential candidate, on the basis of caucuses, party assemblies. But these were sometimes chaotic, uncontrolled, so the state government forced the party to hold primary elections, which in fact were held today.

However, no one specified in the law how many delegates should be chosen in the primaries, nor whether it was mandatory to show up. Moral of the story in August the leaders of the Republican Party decided that NO delegates would be chosen through the primaries and that everyone would be chosen through the Caucus system. This weakened the primaries to such an extent that Donald Trump decided not to show up and to go directly to the party meetings.

The primary votes were held anyway, at this point reduced to a kind of electoral poll, and the result was, let's say, paradoxical: the only candidate left on the ballot, Nikki Haley, lost to. … NONE OF THESE CANDIDATES.

Let's say it's a bit sad to lose against Mr. Nobody, in the sense of a candidate who didn't even show up, who isn't even on the list, and to have "None of these candidates" win, or rather "Nobody" almost doubled Haley.

This is a sensational defeat, indeed a real humiliation, but this will not stop Trump's opponent, at least for now. He will continue to oppose it, even if it is now clear that Trump, however, will manage to win the greatest number of delegates at the party convention and even with a huge gap.

Only judicial attempts by Dem states can try to block the Republican candidate. We will soon have the Supreme Court ruling on the issue. However, even if the Dems' maneuvers were successful, he will still be the person who will choose the next candidate and, presumably, the next US president.

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The article GOP primaries in Nevada. “None of these candidates” wins. Trump wasn't on the ballot comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/primarie-gop-in-nevada-vince-nessuno-di-questi-cadidati-trump-non-era-sulla-scheda/ on Wed, 07 Feb 2024 16:01:23 +0000.