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Have you made the vaccination compulsory? 4 states must use the National Guard instead of nurses

Hospitals face reductions in their operational capacity, due to the layoff of thousands of workers who refuse to comply with Biden's vaccination directive and get vaccinated, all amid a wave of COVID-19. Some states have enlisted the National Guard to help staff health facilities, Becker's Hospital Review reported on 10 December. Here are the individual cases:

Indiana University Health, based in Indianapolis, the state's largest hospital system, announced on Dec.9 that it had requested National Guard assistance for most of its hospitals (except Riley Children's Hospital). New day hospitalizations for COVID-19 in Indiana have increased by 47% in the past two weeks, according to data found by New York Times .

"As COVID cases continue to rise and hospitalization of COVID and non-COVID patients reaches all-time highs, the demand and effort for IU Health team members, nurses and providers has never been greater" , IU Health said in a shared statement with Becker's, “To better support our team members and patients, IU Health will leverage all available resources and enlist members of the Indiana National Guard, in partnership with the Department of Health. of Indiana, to assist in areas of critical need ”.

Six-person National Guard teams with medical and non-medical industry members will line up at IU Health hospitals in two-week increments.

In Maine, Governor Janet Mills announced on December 8 that she had activated up to 75 additional members of the state National Guard. He said they would be used in non-clinical support roles to expand the capacity of health care facilities.

Joel Botler, MD, CMO of Portland's Maine Medical Center, said last December 8 that the state's largest hospital sometime this week "had no ICU beds." He said the hospital had to close six other operating rooms, in addition to six that had already been closed, to free workers to provide care and create more space for beds. About half of the surgeries at Maine Medical Center have been rescheduled.

New Hampshire
Seventy members of the National Guard will be deployed to New Hampshire in the coming weeks to provide non-clinical support in hospitals, according to the New York Times on Dec.9. The newspaper reported that Governor Chris Sununu also said at a press conference that the Federal Emergency Management agency was sending a team of 24 people to help the facilities.

New York
New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced this month that 120 National Guard troops would be deployed in overcrowded nursing homes.

New York officials also announced on Dec.6 that the state will require 32 hospitals with limited capacity to stop non-urgent procedures as COVID-19 cases increase in the state. The state defined limited capacity as less than 10 percent bed capacity or as determined by the health department based on regional and health care utilization factors.

According to data found by the New York Times, new daily hospitalizations for COVID-19 in the state have increased by 33% in the past two weeks.

Now a question arises: wasn't it better to keep unvaccinated nurses on duty and keep wards open? I'm asking for a friend, who doesn't understand why essential staff are being laid off.

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The article Have you put the vaccination obligation? 4 states must use the National Guard instead of nurses comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/hai-messo-lobbligo-vaccinale-4-stati-devono-usare-la-guardia-nazionale-al-posto-degli-infermieri/ on Sun, 12 Dec 2021 20:42:13 +0000.