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He does not put the mask between one bite and another, kicked off the plane! A bit of modern madness

A Maryland man was kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight for not wearing a mask while eating Twizzlers.

"I, Avi Mandel, just got thrown off a plane because I wasn't wearing the mask between bites while I was eating," said the Baltimore County traveler in a video he took on the plane. WJZ reported .

"It's so sad. It's so wrong, ”Mandel told the news agency. “It was absurd. The way I was treated was absolutely absurd. It's crazy and it's not fair. "

Mandel was waiting for the plane to take off from Thurgood Marshall Baltimore Washington International Airport for Fort Lauderdale on Sunday when he opened a package of his frequent snack, WJZ reported.

A flight attendant told him he had to put on the mask "and then he walked away".

"And I think, 'Oh, I guess he didn't know I was eating.' Then I heard on the speaker, 'Everyone who eats must wear masks between bites,' ”Mandel continued.

The traveler reports that he wasn't thinking much about it at the time, but the plane returned to the gate, where a security team escorted him out.

Mandel said he remained calm and respectful, while the other passengers supported him.

“This is so wrong. He has done nothing wrong. " another passenger, Stephanie Misiaszek told WJZ.

After sending an email to Southwest, he discovered that a new federal mandate went into effect requiring passengers to always wear masks, including "between bites."

According to the Transportation Security Administration, passengers can remove masks while eating, drinking or taking medications, but must wear them between bites and sips and cannot be removed for "extended periods."

“If I had known this rule in advance, I would have listened happily, but I had no idea,” Mandel said.

“I think it could have been handled a lot better, and I think the rule could have been better positioned,” he said. Welcome to the wonderful world of air travel with Covid-19!

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The article Does not put the mask between one bite and another, kicked off the plane! A bit of modern madness comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/non-mette-la-mascherina-fra-un-morso-ed-un-altro-cacciato-dallaereo-un-po-di-follia-moderna/ on Fri, 30 Apr 2021 10:20:41 +0000.