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International Energy Agency: 20% of cars sold this year will be electric

After a record high in 2022, the surge in EV sales will continue this year, with EVs accounting for nearly a fifth of global car sales in 2023, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Wednesday. .

The momentum with which electric vehicles are grabbing a growing share of the global auto market is set to continue in the coming years to replace 5 million barrels a day of oil, the IEA said in its annual Global EV Outlook 2023 report.
Last year, EV sales accounted for 14% of all new cars sold globally, up from around 9% in 2021 and less than 5% in 2020. China, Europe and the US continue to dominate sales of electric vehicles, with China once again leading the way, accounting for around 60% of global electric car sales. But the world protagonist is Beijing:

“More than half of the electric cars on the road worldwide are in China, and the country has already surpassed its 2025 new energy vehicle sales target,” the IEA said.

Sales of EVs in Europe, the second largest market, increased by more than 15% in 2022, meaning more than one in five cars sold are electric. Sales of EVs in the US, the third-largest market, increased 55% in 2022, reaching an 8% sales share of the US new-car market, according to data from the IEA.

Electric vehicle sales are also starting to take off in other key markets, including India, Indonesia and Thailand, said IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol.
“The trends we are seeing have significant implications for global oil demand. The internal combustion engine has been unmatched for more than a century, but electric vehicles are changing the status quo,” Birol said in a statement.

“By 2030, they will avoid the need for at least 5 million barrels a day of oil. Cars are just the first wave: electric buses and trucks will follow soon,” added the IEA executive director.

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The article International Energy Agency: 20% of cars sold this year will be electric comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/agenzia-internazionale-per-lenergia-questanno-il-20-delle-auto-vendute-sara-elettrico/ on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 08:00:52 +0000.