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Israel: Ship-launched Iron Dome tested, waiting for Iron Beam

Following a recent test, the Israeli Defense Ministry and Navy announced last week that the C-Dome, the naval version of its much-hyped Iron Dome air defense system, is operational, reports the Times of Israel.

The Iron Dome system made headlines during last year's conflict in the Gaza Strip, when it went into action, blocking more than 90% of rockets fired at Israel. Following the success of the air defense system, the US decided to purchase the system from Israel. At the same time, it inspired South Korea to build something of its own to counter attacks from its northern neighbor.

The state-run Rafael Advance Defense Systems air defense system was developed to protect Israeli cities from air attacks and was first deployed in 2011.

The Iron Dome is a short-range surface-to-air defense system that uses radar to detect incoming airborne threats and launches Tamir interceptor missiles to counter them. Airborne threats are not limited to rockets and missiles, but can also include artillery, mortars and fighter aircraft, manned or unmanned.

After the success achieved in the surface-to-air mode, Israel has decided to use the system for its naval forces, christening it C-Dome. In a joint statement, the Defense Ministry and the Israeli Navy said an advanced version of the Iron Dome system was tested aboard the Sa'ar 6-class corvette INS Oz last month. During the test, the threats that the system could face at sea were simulated. The tests were conducted off the coast of central Israel in the presence of Navy and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems officials.

The following video was released last week.

The announcement came shortly after Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps was accused of targeting an Israeli tanker off the coast of Oman with an explosive-laden drone. According to the Times of Israel, Sa'ar-6 corvettes patrol natural gas platforms on the Israeli coast and its shipping lanes.

“The C-Dome system is a significant addition to the Israeli Navy's defense capabilities in a wide range of missions, including the protection of strategic assets, the Exclusive Economic Zone, and maintaining the State of Israel's regional maritime superiority” , added the joint statement of the Ministry of Defence.

While the Iron Dome boasts an impeccable record in air defense, it is still considered the lowest tier of Israel's missile defense system. The country is also developing a laser-based air defense system, called Iron Beam, which has already been tested and has the advantage of having a very low cost to use.

While the system is still far from being actually used, Israel uses the David's Sling system as a mid-level weapon to shoot down medium-range projectiles and the Arrow system against long-range ballistic missiles. The American-made Patriot system is used to counter traditional airborne threats.

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The article Israel: Ship-launched Iron Dome tested, waiting for Iron Beam comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/israele-testato-iron-dome-lanciato-anche-da-nave-in-attesa-di-iron-beam/ on Tue, 22 Nov 2022 08:00:08 +0000.