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Economic Scenarios

Israel shoots down a “foreign aircraft” that entered its airspace

According to the Jerusalem Post a "foreign aircraft" was intercepted by the Israeli military on Sunday evening after it invaded Israeli airspace from Syria, the IDF said on Sunday evening. IDF helicopters and fighter jets shot down the aircraft, which was followed by the Israeli air force before being hit.

The aircraft posed no threat, military sources said, but it is unclear why it was shot down. Israeli media reported that the aircraft crashed in an uninhabited area and that no alarm was triggered, as per practice, as the situation did not pose a danger at any stage.

The IDF is currently investigating the details of the incident. The Upper Galilee Council has been updated on the situation and has assured that there are no other anomalies in the northern skies of Israel. At the same time we don't even know if the plane was piloted by a human being or was it just a drone, even if this point is usually highlighted in the press releases. We don't even know if the plane had crossed the border because it was damaged or the pilot was unable to fly the plane. A beautiful Israeli mystery.

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The article Israel shoots down a "foreign plane" that entered its airspace comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/israele-abbatte-un-aereo-straniero-entrato-nel-suo-spazio-aereo/ on Sun, 02 Apr 2023 21:05:23 +0000.