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Economic Scenarios

Israel: the winds of war with Iran are blowing again

The Israeli Air Force has resumed what are described as "intense " exercises to practice attacking Iranian nuclear sites, after stopping this practice for two years. A move that would likely start a great war.

This news comes just days after the Israeli government approved a $ 1.5 billion budget increase in military spending to explicitly pay for war preparations with Iran. Defense Minister Benny Gantz defended the spending, saying it is necessary to prepare for the planned attack on Iran. This should include the acquisition of new aircraft to participate in the attack.

Underlying Israel's planning for the new attack are decades of effort to get the United States to attack Iran instead. Usually Israel's increase of its unilateral options is a means of putting pressure on the United States.

Not long ago, Secretary Anthony Blinken agreed with Israeli diplomacy's request to consider military intervention against Tehran. It seemed that this had already fulfilled Jerusalem's wishes, but now Israel is preparing for autonomous intervention.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is in Moscow to discuss Syria and Iran with President Putin. The Iranian issue will certainly have been part of the talks.

Israel fears that, once Iran has achieved nuclear weapons, there will be a real race among the medium and small powers in the area to procure a nuclear weapon. This phenomenon would certainly bring the moment of their use closer, and much closer.

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The article Israel: the winds of war with Iran are blowing again comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/israele-tornano-a-soffiare-i-venti-di-guerra-con-liran/ on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 06:00:43 +0000.