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Japan will launch its own class of electromagnetic gun destroyers

In October 2023, Japan became the first country to successfully test a medium-caliber maritime electromagnetic gun from an offshore platform (Railgul in English). Now, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) is exploring the possibility of acquiring a new class of destroyers equipped with these guns.

The future destroyer 13DDX

The concept of the future destroyer was developed by the Agency for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (ATLA) of the Ministry of Defense. After the successful testing of electromagnetic railguns, the JMSDF began studying this warship concept, which integrates these advanced weapons.

13DDX anti-aircraft destroyer

In May 2024, Vice Admiral Imayoshi Shinichi, Director General of ATLA Naval Systems, unveiled ambitious plans for the 13DDX during the 2024 Combined Naval Event in Farnborough, United Kingdom. During the event, he gave two briefings on the JMSDF's future destroyer and submarine designs.

According to an ATLA presentation at the event, the future destroyer (13DDX) – Air Defense Destroyer will be equipped with railguns, active SAMs, high-power lasers, high-speed maneuvering target detection radar, HPM weapons, a fire control network, IPES (Downsizing Large-Capacity GEN), AI-based CDS, autonomous navigation, automated damage control and flexibility via mission modules.

The 13DDX will also be equipped with directed energy weapons (DEW) systems and a new type of multifunction radar optimized for detecting high-speed targets. It will inherit some characteristics of the JMSDF's Asahi-class destroyers and Mogami-class frigates.

Electromagnetic Railgun: A game-changing weapon

In early 2022, the Japanese Ministry of Defense announced its decision to develop an electromagnetic weapon system to intercept hostile hypersonic missiles. Last year, ATLA announced the successful test of this system, stating that it is the first maritime railgun test ever conducted, as railguns are typically mounted on ships.

A railgun is an electromagnetic weapon capable of firing projectiles at approximately Mach 7, or seven times the speed of sound, targeting ships, missiles and aircraft. Unlike conventional weapons, railguns do not use gunpowder or other explosive propellants and require minimal cleaning or defusing.

In theory, a railgun could fire a bowling ball-sized projectile fast enough to destroy a small building, even over long distances. Due to the significant power required, railguns are typically large and non-portable. Proposals have been made to adapt this technology for non-war purposes, such as launching aircraft and spacecraft, as well as specialized instruments.

ATLA Railgun Specifications

While details on the ATLA railgun are limited, current specifications of the prototype medium-sized electromagnetic railgun, first spotted in May this year, highlight its ability to fire 320g 40mm steel projectiles ( 0.7 lb).

According to a report published in Shephard Media, the ATLA railgun uses five megajoules (MJ), or five million joules (J), of charge energy, allowing it to fire projectiles at a speed of approximately 2,230 m/s (Mach 6 ,5). ATLA aims to operate the railgun with 20 MJ of charge energy.

Strategic deployment

Japan plans to employ the rail gun both on land and at sea. Initially, the addition of the Aegis Ashore land-based system to Japan's arsenal, which includes Aegis destroyers and the Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) land-based system, was intended to improve ballistic missile interception capabilities. However, the Japanese government abandoned this plan in 2020.

The development and testing of these railguns comes as Tokyo seeks effective measures to counter the threat posed by hypersonic weapons developed by regional adversaries such as China, North Korea and Russia.

In a media interview, Admiral Shinichi said: “Given the increasingly challenging security environments surrounding Japan and the growing anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) capabilities of other countries, our challenge is is to improve our long-range air defense capabilities to counter these threats." It is also responsible for research and development, naval design and defense equipment.

As a result, the JMSDF and ATLA decided to incorporate electromagnetic railguns into the future 13DDX destroyer. This decision is critical, given that the development of long-range missiles by regional adversaries places Japanese destroyers at significant risk.

Regional competition

But why the rush to develop such formidable firepower? The answer lies in East Asia's increasingly tense geopolitical landscape.

In May 2024, Japan entered into a cooperation agreement with France and Germany to jointly explore railgun technology and aim for rapid deployment of this advanced capability.

In the same month, China suffered a setback in testing of its electromagnetic hypersonic railgun. The Chinese Navy conducted a test launch of an electromagnetic railgun, launching a precision-guided munition into the stratosphere at hypersonic speed. It involved launching a smart bomb to an altitude of 15 kilometers, reaching speeds exceeding Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound. Although the success of the initial launch aroused enthusiasm, the overall result of the experiment was judged to be a failure.

What will happen in the future?

Keeping in mind the possibility of future conflicts, Japan is strengthening its defense capabilities and improving military preparedness. Some Japanese officials have long predicted that the country aims to combine its railgun system with long-range missiles to improve its ability to intercept aerial targets.

Japan's railgun ambitions don't stop at the sea. There are plans to mount these electromagnetic wonders on land-based trucks, creating a mobile defense network capable of intercepting hypersonic missiles.

As tensions escalate in the Indo-Pacific region, many eyes will be on Japan's naval transformation. The development of the 13DDX and its electromagnetic railgun technology marks a new era in naval warfare, with Japan positioned at the forefront of this revolution.

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The article Japan will launch its own class of electromagnetic cannon destroyers comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-giappone-lancera-la-propria-classe-di-cacciatorpedinieri-con-cannoni-elettromagnetici/ on Mon, 08 Jul 2024 08:00:51 +0000.