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The false link between guns and racism in America. And with Biden-Harris, life is hard for the US police

Having really tired of the politically correct that is fed to us by the tons every day by the mass media , and in the first place by social networks , I feel obliged to expose some brief considerations where there is no trace of politically correct. The desire has grown inside me, noting that the trend is now also prevailing in the United States. And the consequences are seen, as I will say later.

Therefore. In an article written a few years ago by the Nobel Prize for Literature Toni Morrison (deceased in 2019), published on the front page of la Repubblica , a logical consequence was proposed between the spread of weapons in America, racism and the growing a rift that is felt in the US between the police on the one hand and the black community (supported by some politicians) on the other.

It is well known that the culture of self-defense, which authorizes the use of weapons, is widespread in American society. There is nothing mysterious about any of this. It is a fact that can be explained without difficulty by recalling the history of the nation, based on individualism and on the belief that the armed response to the aggression of criminals of any kind is completely legitimate and justified.

It should be noted, among other things, that also thanks to this widespread culture, the United States has become the leading world power. Since its citizens are used to handling weapons, it is easier – compared to Italy and other European countries – to train recruits and send them on war missions. With us, the prevailing pacifism makes this task more difficult, inducing pessimism in the unfortunate case of a foreign attack on our territory.

Morrison therefore wrote that "the so-called stand your ground for self-defense laws (which allow an armed person to shoot an alleged aggressor on the basis of the mere perception of danger for his safety) allow anyone to kill anyone who is in his property ".

True. But is the situation in Italy perhaps better, where for example an attacked shopkeeper, if he shoots, risks not only ending up in jail, but also having to compensate the aggressor? And where the same shopkeeper, who according to the judges should not fire in any case, is obliged to assess within a few seconds whether the criminal intends to hit him seriously or to "only" steal his money? With this implying that, after all, the theft of other people's money is not a crime?

And now I come to the question of racism. Morrison, herself an African American, argued that the US police are inherently racist, forgetting some important details. In the first place, he did not say that very many blacks are part of the police and also suffer aggression. Secondly, he forgot that many police commanders in major US cities are, in fact, black.

Also worth mentioning is the behavior of the ineffable Italian-American mayor of New York, the Democrat Bill De Blasio. Much has been written about his case, and I limit myself to noting that the mayor of a large metropolis should not induce their children to be wary of the police. Sure, the American police have a reputation for toughness, but you don't see how they could work differently in a context of that kind. Once again I ask: is this better or the Italian chaos, where police and carabinieri are constantly attacked, and even criticized when they defend themselves?

I add one last gem of Toni Morrison's article. At the time, the writer disagreed with those who argued that Barack Obama should have done more to "defend blacks". Noting that he was everyone's president (and God forbid), he then said almost casually: "Let's not forget that his mother and whoever raised him were white." With this implying that, if he had grown up in an entirely black family, he would have assumed a different behavior.

Repubblica readers appreciated the piece very much. I – I confess – much less. After all, there are now many Nobel Prizes who, after receiving the prestigious prize, cast doubt on the goodness of the choices made by the Stockholm jury. Just think of many Nobel Peace Prize winners.

I now realize that at the beginning of this article I used the expression "culture of self-defense", placing myself ipso facto outside the boundaries that define the politically correct. However, I don't regret it at all. It is precisely that kind of culture, that of the Frontier and the West, that created America as it is now. Or rather, how it was. Because America has also changed, and in recent years the singers of the politically correct have become the majority. Without doubt, the Trump presidency has marked a turning point. However, the first moves of Joe Biden, effectively supported by his deputy Kamala Harris, clearly suggest that we are turning back. The US police force will have a hard life with the new president. In all probability they will see the funds allocated to them decrease, making it increasingly difficult to manage a situation of public order that is already explosive in itself.

The post The false link between guns and racism in America. And with Biden-Harris hard life for the US police appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/il-falso-nesso-tra-armi-e-razzismo-in-america-con-biden-harris-vita-dura-per-la-polizia-usa/ on Thu, 18 Feb 2021 04:58:00 +0000.