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Large deposit of white hydrogen found in Finland

Hydrogen chemical symbol

Perhaps the first deposit of “ white hydrogen” has been discovered, the geological hydrogen, which should exist in pockets like natural gas, in Europe, and in combination with helium.

Bluejay Mining plc, an exploration and development company with projects in Greenland and Finland, has announced. following a systematic review, the unacknowledged presence of high concentrations of helium and hydrogen gases at its Outokumpu Project, Finland. Independent studies associated with deep drilling results carried out by the Geological Survey of Finland have identified significant potential for these gases, particularly within serpentinized ophiolites and associated geological formations, in the region. The news was released by the company itself .

Outokumpu Belt

Systematic review of historical government drilling has indicated the presence of notable concentrations of industrial gases, including helium and white hydrogen, within the Outokumpu Belt.

The best recorded intersection was 100 meters at 5.6% helium (within a 1500 meter intersection, at 1.5% helium).

The field is comparable in formation and structure to the world's largest known field of white (or geological) hydrogen ('White Hydrogen'), which was recently discovered in France, with estimates suggesting up to 46 million tonnes of fuel zero emissions in the French field. This newly discovered gas province is located in the Lorraine region, a French mining region similar in geological nature to the Outokumpu Belt.

Gas sampling from the Outokumpu deep hole, which reached a total depth of 2480 metres, revealed high concentrations of other naturally occurring industrial gases, such as argon, xenon, krypton, white hydrogen and helium (with hydrogen as dominant gas), returning results of up to 46% hydrogen in gas samples taken from various saline groundwater samples.

The unique geological composition of the Outokumpu Belt, which includes serpentinized ophiolites and pegmatitic granites, hosts multiple potential sources for the generation of white hydrogen and helium gas. Bluejay, through its wholly owned subsidiary FinnAust, holds exploration permits covering this gas-rich ophiolitic belt.

Over 2,000 historic drillholes, some exceeding 1,000 meters deep, provide a comprehensive basis for rapidly assessing industrial gas underground in the Outokumpu Belt.

The Company will now begin to systematically evaluate historic drill holes for the most potential presences of industrial gases, including hydrogen and helium, with the aim of re-entering these holes to undertake further testing using modern and more accurate. Re-drilling historic holes offers significant cost savings over new drilling and virtually eliminates the environmental impact of the programs. These results will be compared with historical and recently acquired seismic data, to identify areas with the highest potential.

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The article Large white hydrogen deposit found in Finland comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/trovato-in-finlandia-grande-giacimento-di-idrogeno-bianco/ on Wed, 03 Jul 2024 18:25:47 +0000.