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How real is there in ISIS threats to Di Maio and Italy? (From ofcs.report)

Today many reports of solidarity were expressed to Minister Di Maio following the threats that came from ISIS to his person. A situation certainly not pleasant, but what is real behind these threats. For their analysis we rely on what is reported by the site specialized in security OFCS.report .

The Islamic State, today, is mostly made up of a myriad of gemmations present and operating in various theaters. From Syria to Iraq, from northern Egypt to southern Libya , from Mali to Somalia. A heterogeneous but disturbing presence that speaks volumes about the network's ability to regenerate and strike.

But the Daesh, in reality, is no longer able (fortunately…) to structure complex attacks with multiple and simultaneous actions on multiple targets . The attacks carried out in Europe were perpetrated by self-styled lone wolves whose traceability to the terrorist group emerges only from their voluntary and impromptu adherence to the ideals pursued by the Islamic State. In reality, "the usual psychopaths " have never received any specific endorsement from Daesh neither in relation to their oath of fidelity, nor to their willingness to sacrifice themselves for the cause. Thus, the jihadist network has achieved the maximum result with the minimum effort: I threaten, you strike, I claim . We can thus summarize the communication strategy of the Islamic State which claims at will every action carried out by a single alleged adept against Western interests (people or things).

The real concreteness of threats externalized on the web thus diminishes if placed in relation to the deadly structured attacks carried out in Europe over the last decade by Al Qaeda and Isis (Paris, Brussels, London,…).

The only noteworthy unknown is that relating to the constant and uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants heading towards our coasts. On more than one occasion, in fact, from these pages we have emphasized the presence of militiamen operating from the various jihadist networks camouflaged among the "cruise passengers" traveling to southern Europe. The most concrete danger , in fact, derives precisely from the impossibility of outlining a precise and not approximate estimate of the presence of jihadists on our territory determined to take action in a completely autonomous way.

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The article How real is there in ISIS threats to Di Maio and Italy? (From ofcs.report) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quanto-ce-di-reale-nelle-minacce-dellisis-a-di-maio-ed-allitalia-da-ofcs-report/ on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 11:09:06 +0000.