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Economic Scenarios

List of mayors who have signed pro Draghi. After the Lagalla case, do we do a check?

A small Italian case is upsetting the strongest Draghians' convincing tool: the famous “List of 1300 mayors” who would have signed the appeal for Draghi to stay. Given that, however, there are 6000 mayors who have not voted, according to TPI there are also cases of names that are on the list, but in reality they have not signed, including the mayor of Palermo, Roberto Lagalla.

So, dear readers, given that maybe a citizen of Orco Feglino (province of Savona) or of Malfa, (province of Messina) does not know that his mayor has signed for Draghi, and maybe not even his mayor knows he is on the list, we ask you to become a democracy investigator and ask your mayor, if on the list, if he really signed the letter in favor of Draghi. The list can be found from the ANSA website, or even from our Drive , if it is canceled. See if your mayor signed and, if he was present, ask him if he really signed. If he has not signed, ask him to make it public and, in this case, let us know via the Contact page.

Maybe, indeed almost certainly, they are all real signatures, but why not check? Democracy is also this ..

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The article List of mayors who have signed pro Draghi. After the Lagalla case, do we do a check? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/elenco-dei-sindaci-che-hanno-firmato-pro-draghi-dopo-il-caso-lagalla-facciamo-una-verifica/ on Tue, 19 Jul 2022 19:27:07 +0000.