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Marines and Jetpack: is it time for personal flight?

British soldiers with "Iron Man" style jetpacks flew into New York Harbor last month during a defense conference hosted on a Royal Navy warship. here is a video about the British marines flying around the aircraft carrier of the Royal Navy, starting from a pontoon, and using the turbine backpacks of Gravity Industries

Gravity Industries, a UK-based human flight start-up, has released footage of two men in military gear, presumably Marines, taking off from the Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier in New York Harbor during the Atlantic Future Forum . The conference was held from 28-29 September on the Royal Navy's lead ship.

Each jet suit is powered by five gas turbine jet engines that generate 1,000 horsepower and weigh just 39kg. The suit runs on jet fuel, diesel or kerosene and can propel the operator forward at a maximum speed of 120km / h and is capable of reaching an altitude of 4000 meters.

The Royal Navy has been testing jetpacks for at least a year. The running time of the suit is about ten minutes at full speed, so their current potential is still limited to particular actions. What is shown is the future of military aviation. Gravity has already tested personal jetpack technology during a NATO war exercise in the mountains and offshore.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) not long ago requested private companies for a "portable personal air mobility system" for special operations. Perhaps Gravity's jetpack is what the Pentagon's experimental research arm is looking for.

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The article Marines and Jetpack: the time for personal flight has come? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/marines-jetpack/ on Mon, 10 Oct 2022 10:06:15 +0000.