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The Republic of Virtue and Terror (by Giuseppe PALMA)

The Reign of Terror . This was the title of an Anthony Mann film from 1949, where Robespierre and the Jacobins were rightly represented as tyrants blinded by Virtue .

Yes, Virtue . Being virtuous, politically correct and obsequious towards the single thought. Shut up! Personal freedom, now expendable with simple administrative acts of the Prime Minister (the famous Dpcm), is no longer a fundamental principle.

Virtue . That of the government, which has set itself an example to follow for the rest of the world; that of the Prime Minister, sponsored by the regime press as commander in chief and undisputed Princeps ; that of a part of the population that cheers for tyrants and is ready to collaborate in the search for the infectors.

After Phase 1 of the epidemic, after more than three months the situation of the virus is summarily under control: in August we have about sixty people hospitalized in intensive care despite the increase in infections in the last ten days (also due to the exponential increase tampons) and fewer than ten deaths. In fact, when the contagion curve resumes, there are just 55 hospitalized in intensive care for Covid and 6 dead. These are the data on a national basis. In addition, from March to today, the number of beds in intensive care has more than doubled and several therapies have been discovered, including plasma treatment, which seems to be very effective.

Yet, although the situation is not currently worrying (even if it must be kept under control), not a day goes by when a member of the government or a pseudo-scientist does not spread the Terror . And the regime journalists down with their heads down to act as a megaphone amplifier. The foolishness of a pseudo-scientist in search of visibility (before the epidemic they did not even shit in the family) is enough for the big magazines to scream when the virus returns.

But the responsibilities of the regime press , to tell the truth, cannot be reduced to indirect ones. There are also direct responsibilities. The owner of the first page " weekend with the disease " on the eve of mid-August means that you are not just a megaphone, but you really want to sponsor the return of the virus and the lockdown so that the government can survive and justify the limitations of democratic freedoms. Terror fuels the government's strength, so let's get into the permanent state of emergency.

The virus is returning! The virus is returning! Discos must be closed! Young people are irresponsible! Put on the masks! Don't shake hands! Don't kiss! Keep your distance on the water and on the beach! So every day on TV and newspapers, where 5 cases in a Region – all still to be ascertained – are presented as the return of the plague. The second wave is upon us, keep your distance and put the muzzle back even outdoors!

The goal of the government and the yellow-red majority is clear: to spread the Terror , dosed with medium daily rations, so that in September / October the prerequisite for a new lockdown can return: no longer for the whole national territory (it would be devastating and more would not respect it) but patchy, mini-lockdown : first one or two provinces, then one or two Regions, then maybe three, four, five etc … Divide et impera , so those who are not hit will feel virtuous and will play the government game. And on the hunt for the greaser! Yesterday the lonely runner who ran on the beach, today the guy from the disco.

Then there is also the economic aspect , which is anything but secondary. One of the key principles of the economy is trust , especially in the future. Without trust there is no investment or hiring. Those who have never reopened have done so mainly for two reasons: 1) the impossibility of bearing unchanged fixed costs (including taxes and fees) at significantly reduced revenues (also due to demented protocols); 2) lack of confidence in the future: what do I open to do, investing my money, if then in September / October there is the possibility that the government will close everything again?

But the government and the regime press of the real economy care less than zero. Continuously feeding the Terror means guaranteeing political survival and creating the psychological conditions to accept – as an act of liberation – the savior vaccine . But only if produced by friendly multinationals, even without experimentation. If it's Russian, already registered, then that's not good. Press and politics have also arrived at these contradictions:

Therefore, it is not the health of the citizens that is at the heart of the yellow-reds and their salaried scribes, but business. Only the buissness. I have always been in favor of vaccines , it can be said that I have always been a staunch defender of vaccines, but this time there is something that stinks: sponsoring their mandatory nature and then reversing if the vaccine is Russian instead of some multinational friend, then it means that this whole story has financial aspects that far outweigh both the right to health and freedom and democracy.

Anyone who denies the virus is certainly an idiot , but whoever does not see the virus as an instrument of power – political or economic – is a fool twice. Will it also lead to the removal of parental authority from those parents who will raise a doubt whether to submit their children to compulsory anti-Covid vaccination? From now on these unscrupulous criminals can really expect anything. Freedom is dead, and with it the sense of all the liberal principles that once distinguished the Western world from the Soviet one.

So on the one hand a virtuous part of the population, which cheers on the tyrants who trample on freedom and democracy, on the other – as an inseparable pair – regime government and press that spread Terror .

Virtue and Terror , the new binomial that has taken the place of liberal principles. No longer a Democratic Republic but a Republic of Virtue and Terror . Like Robespierre and the Jacobins told in Anthony Mann's Reign of Terror .

by Giuseppe PALMA

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Literary Tips :

1) by Paolo Becchi and Giuseppe Palma, “ A wrong reform. Twelve reasons to say NO to the cut of parliamentarians “, Gds, February 2020. Here for the purchase  : https://www.amazon.it/Una-riforma-sbagliata-Dodici-parlamentari/dp/8867829920/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=una+reforma+sbagliata&qid=1597305132&sr=8-1

2) by Paolo Becchi and Giuseppe Palma, “ DEMOCRACY IN THE QUARANTINE. How a virus has swept the country “, Historica edizioni.

Here are the purchase links :





https://www.amazon.it/Democrazia-quarantena-virus-travolto-Paese/dp/8833371530/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_it_IT=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild = 1 & keywords = + democracy + in quarantine & qid = 1593533348 & s = books & sr = 1-1

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The article The Republic of Virtue and Terror (by Giuseppe PALMA) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-repubblica-della-virtu-e-del-terrore-di-giuseppe-palma/ on Sat, 15 Aug 2020 16:19:53 +0000.