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Montana: Governor signs ban on “transitional surgery” for minors

Montana Governor Greg Gianforte (Republican) signed into law Friday a law blocking transgender surgical procedures for minors. Montana Governor Greg Gianforte asks a question as he participates in a panel discussion during the Association of Republican Governors conference November 16, 2022 in Orlando, Florida.
The Youth Health Protection Act , which will become law Oct. 1, aims to improve the protection of minors from "any form of pressure to receive harmful and experimental puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and to undergo irreversible surgical procedures and life-changing” before becoming adults.

According to Gianforte's office, the governor is " committed to protecting Montana's children from invasive medical treatments that can permanently alter their healthy, developing bodies ."

Gianforte signaled his willingness to sign into the law on April 17, when he proposed several amendments clarifying that public funds cannot be used to pay for hormone blockers, intersex hormones or surgery. The Republican governor said he has met transgender youth and adults and sympathized with their struggles. At the same time, she wrote in a letter to legislative leaders that any surgery or hormone treatment should wait until adulthood, as the science on the impact of various gender transition procedures remains uncertain and continues to evolve. -Epoch

Co-sponsor of the bill, Sen. John Fuller (R), applauded the governor for "supporting the health and safety of Montana's children." Opponents have pledged to sue the law, including the ACLU Group and Lamba Legal. “ Gender confirmation assistance is a critical part of helping transgender adolescents succeed in school, form healthy relationships with their friends and family, live authentically as themselves, and dream of their futures,” the organizations said in a statement. “If this bill passes, we will defend the rights of transgender youth in court, just as we have in other states that have engaged in this anti-science and discriminatory campaign ,” they added.

Even the doctors who opposed the bill are taking action. “ My bottom line for families is that this treatment remains legal ,” Dr. Kathryn Lowe, a Bozeman pediatrician and member of the Montana Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, said in a statement to the Montana Free Press. “To all the families who are panicking, who are moving, who are putting their homes up for sale…we have a great hope that [SB 99] never goes into effect.”

We'll see how this develops

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The article Montana: Governor Signs Ban on “Transition Surgery” for Minors comes from Scenarios Economics .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/montana-il-governatore-firma-il-divieto-di-chirurgia-di-transizione-per-i-minori/ on Sun, 30 Apr 2023 15:24:42 +0000.