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Nancy Pelosi’s husband attacked at home in California by a homeless man with mental problems. The very people that the Dems protect …

The husband of Nancy Pelosi, president of the US chamber, was attacked in his home in San Francisco by a deranged man who hit him in the head with a hammer. He is now recovering from emergency surgery. Pelosi, 82, suffered a skull fracture and injuries to his right arm and hands but is expected to make a full recovery.

The attack fueled fears of political violence ahead of the mid-term elections on November 8, and the Dems jumped on this danger. The suspect, David Depape, 42, would have asked to see Ms. Pelosi. President Biden called the attack "despicable" and denounced a corrosive political climate that contributes to the violence.

But who was, in reality, the assailant? According to David Shellenberge r, who went a bit deep into the investigation, Depape was, more than a right-wing member, a mentally ill drug addict living in a homeless nudist camp. Not exactly the portrait of a "Proud Boy", a member of the US youth right.

His family? "Her family is that of a very radical activist," said a neighbor of DePape, a woman who only provided her first name, Trish. “They look very leftist. They are all engaged in the Black Lives Matter movement. Gay pride. But they are very detached from reality. They called the police for several neighbors, including us, claiming that we are plotting against them. It is really strange to see that they are willing to be so aggressive towards someone else who is also on the left ”.

Not all media have missed the story of DePape, made up of drug use, psychosis and homelessness. CNN reported that a woman named Laura Hayes, who said she worked with DePape 10 years ago making hemp bracelets, said she lived in a shed. "Talk to the angels," he said, and told her that "there will be a difficult time."

In general, however, politicians have proposed the incident as an onslaught of the violent right, when, in reality, it is just an almost common episode in a city like San Francisco where the mix of homelessness, staves and failure to cure mental illness is causing a very serious social crisis. Pelosi was the latest victim.

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The article Nancy Pelosi's husband attacked at home in California by a homeless man with mental problems. The very people that the Dems protect… comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-marito-di-nancy-pelosi-assalito-in-casa-in-california-da-un-senzatetto-con-problemi-mentali-proprio-le-persone-che-i-dem-proteggono/ on Sun, 30 Oct 2022 11:52:03 +0000.