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“Neutron stripping”: the nuclear reaction that can provide the energy of nuclear fusion without its problems

Nuclear fusion is one of the most powerful reactions known to humanity. It is the process that powers the Sun and stars, and results in high energy production. However, achieving nuclear fusion in the laboratory is quite challenging, as it requires extreme temperature and pressure conditions that are difficult to control and require considerable energy to create.

A new study reveals a more practical alternative to nuclear fusion. It demonstrates that stripping a neutron can produce energy similar to or greater than that of a fusion reaction, particularly in low-energy regions close to the minimum energy threshold required for a nuclear reaction.

Neutron stripping is a type of nuclear reaction in which an atomic nucleus loses one or more neutrons following an interaction with another nucleus. This phenomenon occurs when a projectile core, moving at high speed, hits a target core. During the interaction, the projectile nucleus can "rip" one or more neutrons from the target nucleus, without a complete fusion of the two nuclei occurring.

Compared to nuclear fusion, nuclear stripping is much easier to accomplish in the laboratory. Therefore, these discoveries open a new and feasible path to achieving our nuclear energy goals.

“By better understanding the behavior of nuclei under these conditions, we can improve our approaches to nuclear energy production and radiotherapy,” said Jesús Lubián, one of the study's authors and an associate professor at Brazil's Federal Fluminense University.

The research team

Decode the transfer of a neutron

Neutron stripping is a type of neutron transfer reaction. During the latter, the ejected neutron (from the moving nucleus) is absorbed by the target nucleus.

For decades, scientists have tried to understand the mechanism that leads to neutron transfer in loosely bound nuclei. It is important to decode this mechanism, because it can greatly improve our understanding of nuclear physics, including various nuclear reactions.

The authors of the study performed an interesting experiment for this purpose. They studied the neutron stripping process between Li-6 (an isotope of lithium) and Bi-209 (an isotope of bismuth). They then compared its result with that of the complete fusion reaction involving the same isotopes.

They employed the GALILEO Array (a gamma-ray detector) in combination with the 4π Si-ball EUCLIDES (an advanced laser detector) to study gamma-ray emissions and detect charged particles during reactions.

The Galileo instrument

They also used a special method known as gamma-gamma coincidence, to study several gamma rays identified in the stripping of a neutron. “Gamma-gamma coincidence was key to isolating specific reaction channels, allowing the team to pinpoint the behavior of nuclei under different conditions with high precision,” the researchers note.

The results of neutron transfer between Be and Li surprised the researchers.

Neutron stripping has immense potential

In the reaction mentioned above, the Li-6 bound by the weak interaction collides with the much heavier Bi-209. The result of this interaction shows that the transfer of a neutron is capable of producing a production similar to that of a fusion reaction.

The process of stripping a neutron produces results comparable to those of complete fusion reactions, especially in energetic regions close to nuclear barriers. Contrary to previous expectations, the results indicate that neutron transfer plays a dominant role at lower energies, overtaking the production of fusion reactions ,” the study authors said.

These findings could open up new opportunities for using neutron transfer in areas such as nuclear energy research.

The process highlights the intricate and nuanced nature of nuclear reactions, providing a springboard for future scientific breakthroughs in nuclear science and technology ,” the study authors added.

So will we have energy similar to nuclear fusion without the problems of fusion itself? Only the future will tell us.

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The article “Neutron Stripping”: The Nuclear Reaction That Can Provide Nuclear Fusion Energy Without Its Problems comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/stripping-di-neutroni-la-reazione-nucleare-che-puo-fornire-lenergia-della-fusione-nucleare-senza-i-suoi-problemi/ on Sat, 22 Jun 2024 15:25:49 +0000.