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Economic Scenarios

Orvieto: an event to discuss the future of Italy and politics

Italy seems to be at a standstill, politically. Without solutions we carry on with a certain weariness, moving towards an abyss guided by external forces that have almost erased democracy and self-determination.

This is an opportunity to discuss the function of politics, the meaning that the concept of freedom still has, which road one wants to take, all in a city of great beauty. Hence the initiative of the Italian Independence Forum 2023 was born, organized by over 30 associations and in which intellectuals and political figures will take part.

The event will open with the presentation of the book Guerra senza Fine, by Toni Capuozzo and Francesco Borgonovo

Then we will talk about the crisis of politics in the field of subsidiarity. If there is no real power, what's the point of politics?

If we speak of independence, we cannot fail to speak of European interference. Here then is the debate, moderated by Fabio Dragoni, with the participation of Antonio Maria Roonaldi and Marco Zanni. We will talk about the economic crisis, loss of rights and the end of sovereignty

Then we will talk about the defense of the human in the world of artificial intelligence.

Sunday 30 closing speech by Gianni Alemanno summarizing the meeting

This is a great opportunity to visit beautiful Orvieto and hear something you won't hear on TV for quite a while. But watch out for climate change…

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The article Orvieto: an event to discuss the future of Italy and politics comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/orvieto-un-evento-per-discutere-sul-futuro-dellitalia-e-della-politica/ on Fri, 28 Jul 2023 08:22:10 +0000.