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Policeman arrests vandal, but must free him because he does not have the Green pass. Welcome to the Italy of madness

Welcome to the Italy of madness, the one governed by the privileged who live in the "Bubble" and who make those outside it pay for their madness. let's see the last one, for now.

We are in post-Fiat Turin. A drunk vandal decides to pass the hangover by damaging the electric scooters in via Cossa. An off-duty policeman intervenes and approaches to calm him, but is in turn attacked with kicks and punches and is forced to proceed with the arrest. Then other cars arrive that bring the policeman and arrested him to the police station for the complaint and arrest for resistance (and make him pass the hangover in the barracks). But the policeman, who we remember was not on duty, did not have a Green pass. So he was unable to enter the premises of the Police Headquarters to formalize the accusations and make the necessary minutes. Result: the offender is set free. We do not know if he was also apologized, but in any case he was quietly let out, albeit with a complaint on the loose.

Another example of the logic with which the Green pass was made: an approximate, disheveled rule, written without understanding its consequences well, and for which no one seems able to make a minimum of self-criticism and correct the major distortions. Yet there are not very few who, in the police and military, have preferred not to be vaccinated. After all, in the second half of September only 85% of the carabinieri , for example, were vaccinated. For the others there are expensive tampons, but, if not in service, they could not be recalled, not even for emergencies, because they could not enter the barracks. A logical and intelligent thing.

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The Police article arrests vandal, but he must free him because he does not have the Green pass. Welcome to the Italy of madness comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/poliziotto-arresta-vandalo-ma-deve-liberarlo-perche-non-ha-il-green-pass-benvenuti-nellitalia-della-follia/ on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 15:29:11 +0000.