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Presentation of the volume by the advisor Dr. Tiziano Tessaro: The off-balance sheet debts of Local Authorities and Regions in Bologna Tuesday 11 June 2024

CONFERENCE – Presentation of the volume: Off-balance sheet debts of local authorities and regions

Off-balance sheet debts of Local Authorities and Regions

by Tiziano Tessaro
Councilor of the Court of Auditors Control Section of Emilia-Romagna

Carmela Puzzo
Town Clerk
Margherita Bertin
Lawyer, teacher trainer for public administrations

Tuesday 11 June, 9.30-13.30
Metropolitan City of Bologna Palazzo Malvezzi Via Zamboni, 13 – Council Room

Book advisor Dr. Tiziano Tessaro


Welcome greetings

Sergio Lo Giudice , Chief of Cabinet of the Metropolitan City of Bologna
Andrea Massari , President of UPI Emilia-Romagna, President of the Province of Parma
Paolo Calvano , Councilor for Local Authorities, Budget and Institutional Reorganization of the Emilia-Romagna Region
Tommaso Miele , Deputy President of the Court of Auditors and member of the Presidential Council
Claudio Chiarenza , Emilia-Romagna regional prosecutor of the Court of Auditors
Marcello M. Iannuzziello , President of the Foundation of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Bologna

Moderate and coordinate

Marcovalerio Pozzato President Control Section Emilia-Romagna, Court of Auditors

Reports – First session

Stefano Glinianski , Councilor of the Court of Auditors, Autonomy Section and Director of OIV Farnesina
The distinction with other institutions of civil law: transactions
Franco Mastragostino , Full Professor of Administrative Law at the Alma Mater, University of Bologna
Administrative profiles of debt recognition. The role of the assembly body and the value of the assessment act
Vittorio Raeli , President of the jurisdictional section of the Court of Auditors
Accountable profiles: the role of the Jurisdictional Section of the Court of Auditors in the recognition of debt. The assessment of responsibilities
Alberto Rigoni , Councilor of the Court of Auditors, Emilia-Romagna control section
Justifiable profiles. The role of the Court of Auditors' control in the scrutiny of the debt recognition act

Reports – Second session

Marilisa Beltrame , Councilor Control Section of the Court of Auditors for the TAA Trento office
Article 194 letter a Tuel: recognition of debt and executive sentences
Jacopo Bercelli , Associate Professor of Administrative Law, University of Verona
Article 194 lett b and c Tuel: recognition of debt and participatory organisations
Marco Castellani , Chartered Accountant, Legal Auditor, President of ANCREL
The role of the audit body in debt recognition
Paco D'Onofrio , Associate Professor of Public Law Institutions at Unibo – Coordinator of the management of motor and sports activities degree course
The phenomenon of debts in the balance sheets of professional football clubs


Carmela Puzzo
Town Clerk
• Margherita Bertin
Lawyer, teacher trainer for public administrations
• Tiziano Tessaro
Councilor of the Court of Auditors, control section

Event in the process of being accredited by the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts.
Accredited for 4 training credits by the Bologna Bar Association

Accreditation is provided exclusively for in-person attendance.

FREE PARTICIPATION upon registration at the following link:


Organization and coordination by UPI Emilia-Romagna:

[email protected]

For further information, consult the Upi Emilia Romagna website

https://www.upi.emilia-romagna.it/index.php/notiziee/in-primo-piano/1353-convegno-presentazione-del-volume-i-debiti-fuori-bilancio-degli-enti-locali- and-of-the-regions

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The article Presentation of the volume by the advisor Dr. Tiziano Tessaro: The off-balance sheet debts of Local Authorities and Regions in Bologna Tuesday 11 June 2024 comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/presentazione-del-volume-del-consigliere-dott-tiziano-tessaro-i-debiti-fuori-bilancio-di-enti-locali-e-regioni-a-bologna-e-in-streaming-martedi-11-giugno-2024/ on Sat, 08 Jun 2024 06:24:07 +0000.