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Prices + 43% in three years. Mercedes is once again the car of the few and rich

Mercedes-Benz could go back to the days when corporate executives and only wealthy people could afford to drive the luxury German car down the street.

That's because a new Benz will reach an average price of 72,900 euros ($76,590) in 2022, up 43% from 2019, Bloomberg commentator Chris Bryant said in a tweet.

“This is coupled with the automaker's push into an even higher market, focusing on higher-end models like the S-Class sedan to boost profits. The company is working to address unmet demand after chip shortages limited production last year,” Bloomberg said. The German automaker seems to have taken a different path than the last decade of providing entry-level models for ordinary people.

Bloomberg also pointed out that

Mercedes is not alone. All over the world, manufacturers are reaping the benefits of selling fewer, but more expensive, cars. In the U.S., average monthly payments for a new car have nearly doubled since late 2019. And as battery-powered vehicles tend to cost more than the average combustion-engine car, switching to EVs could get even worse the accessibility crisis.

So the transition to hybrid and electric will make cars something reserved for the few and the rich, exactly as the "Democratic" European Union wants.

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The article Prices + 43% in three years. Mercedes is once again the car of the rich and few comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/prezzi-43-in-tre-anni-la-mercedes-torna-a-esere-lauto-dei-pochi-e-ricchi/ on Sat, 18 Feb 2023 14:50:46 +0000.