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Revision of cadastral values: “Would you buy a used car from these three people?”

Yesterday the Prime Minister Mario Draghi, at the side of the EU Balkans summit, spoke on the fiscal delegation that he decided to sign with the Council of Ministers without the participation of the League ministers. But Draghi made statements in which he got his hands on: « The government goes on. His action cannot follow the electoral calendar, because it must follow that of the reforms » . " There will be no tax increase and there is no property on the house . " " Action cannot follow the electoral calendar, but the one negotiated with the European Commission on the Recovery funds" .

In truth, the indications of the EU on the Recovery Fund did NOT talk about the revision of the cadastral estimates, if ever the 2019 Country Report for the year 2020 did, that is, before Covid-19, but this too would be serious because the Prime Minister it has always been loyal, as it would have been said in the past "Regardless", to the demands of Brussels.

In the end, the whole question of the fiscal delegation on the revision of cadastral estimates is resolved in an act of faith: do you believe that the Prime Minister and, above all, the rest of the government that supports him, really intends to put in place a complex revision mechanism of complex securities and then make only a limited use of them, or practically none? The question ultimately boils down to the classic "Would you buy a used car from these people" where the sellers are the members of the Council of Ministers such as President Draghi, the head of the MEF Daniele Franco or the Lamorgese interior one.

You can believe these people, or not, Of course, the delegation goes against what was decided in June, when Parliament gave an indication not to include the revision of the cadastre in the delegation, but then you must above all trust that, in the future, taxes will not increase. , and not just the IMU, but you won't pay more than the registry tax on real estate transactions.

Would you buy a car from these people?

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The article Revision of cadastral values: "Would you buy a used car from these three people?" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/revisione-dei-valori-catastali-comprereste-unauto-da-queste-tre-persone/ on Thu, 07 Oct 2021 06:00:59 +0000.