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Solving Italy’s problems by extinguishing us. Birth rate down 20% with the lockdown

According to new data from Italy, maternity leave fell a staggering 21.6% in 15 Italian cities in December, exactly 9 months into the lockdown, according to Reuters. citing the data of the statistical agency ISTAT.

the head of Istat Gian Carlo Blangiardo then points out that the 50% drop in marriages leads to another serious drop in births in the near future. Demographics experts have predicted a baby bust across Europe for 2021 as the impact of last year's lockdowns is felt.

A survey conducted in five European countries during the March and April blockade showed that many people canceled plans to have children, but with one notable difference: French and Germans said they had postponed plans to have children, Italians have claimed to have just deleted them!

After all, the reasons are more than evident: the Italians have been locked up in cages, with serious economic uncertainties, with a communication that only sows terror, who wants to have children? The management of the pandemic was so efficient that it found a final solution for the Italian problems: extinction.

It must be said that, to a lesser extent, other countries outside the EU have also seen a demographic disaster: according to a research by the Brookings Institute, it predicts that in 2020 there will be 200 500 thousand fewer births than in 2019.

The covid-19 crisis will create a colossal demographic, therefore social, ethical and economic problem, which no one says anything. It is necessary to recreate the basic conditions, social and economic, to facilitate demographic growth, or at least its balance. It takes trust in the future and this is a complex, very complex mission.

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The article Solving the problems of Italy by extinguishing ourselves. Birth rate down 20% with the lockdown comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/risolvere-i-problemi-dellitalia-estinguendoci-natalita-in-calo-del-20-con-il-lockdown/ on Sun, 07 Feb 2021 21:23:08 +0000.