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The US police are preparing for bloody clashes after the elections. With 61% of Americans convinced of the Civil War they do well

The fact that law enforcement officials across the nation expect widespread violence after the elections should make not only American citizens tremble, but those around the world; if a country that has been voting for 230 years has problems exercising democracy, the situation is serious. So the authorities decided to "plan for the worst" because everyone understands that the situation is serious.

Police forces in Democrat-run cities are also preparing heavily: the NYPD (New York Police Department) trains every day and deploys hundreds of more police as it prepares for election day and its aftermath amid fears that riots and protests could break out after the results are announced.

Los Angeles Police (LAPD) sent an internal note to its officials last week saying they may need to reschedule any holidays around election day as the agency prepares for possible protests or other riots, according to the Los Angeles Times. Even in states usually seen as stable and advocates of Law and Order are preparing: Agencies in at least four major Texan cities, Austin, El Paso, San Antonio and Fort Worth, have confirmed that they are planning to respond to potential unrest just after the November 3. The intent of such preparations, according to Tara Long, a spokesperson for the Austin Police Department, "is to ensure the safety of the community while protecting the rights of people to exercise their First Amendment rights peacefully."

Preparations are even more massive for those cities that have been the site of bloody clashes in recent times. Portland police have confirmed they are bracing for possible unrest on election night after seeing riots after the 2016 presidential election. Exhausted police officers in Minneapolis continue to face an unprecedented wave of crime and violence , and the police spokesperson told the press that their approach to these upcoming elections is to "plan for the worst:" We are aware that this could be a tipping point and we have made appropriate plans "are the words of the police spokesman. Minneapolis John Elder. "Remember: plan for the worst and hope for the best.", The American version of "Si vis pacem, para bellum".

According to a Washington Examiner poll, 61% of Americans believe it is headed for civil war, with 41% very convinced of these claims and 52% already preparing for it.

With these polls you understand why the police are putting their hands forward.

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The article The US Police prepares for bloody clashes after the elections. With 61% of Americans convinced of the Civil War doing well comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-polizia-usa-si-prepara-a-sanguinosi-scontri-dopo-le-elezioni-con-il-61-degli-americani-convinti-della-guerra-civile-fanno-bene/ on Thu, 22 Oct 2020 06:00:46 +0000.