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Switzerland no longer recommends the Covid vaccination even for high-risk people

Swiss authorities have stopped recommending vaccination against COVID-19, even for people who have been designated as being at high risk for COVID-19.

The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health states that "no vaccination against COVID-19 is recommended for spring/summer 2023".

Authorities said the COVID-19 vaccine is not recommended for people at high risk. The change was attributed to the number of citizens who received the vaccine, who recovered from COVID-19, or who received the vaccine and enjoy natural immunity from post-recovery protection.

Almost all Swiss citizens have been vaccinated and/or contracted COVID-19 and recovered. Their immune systems were then exposed to the coronavirus. In spring/summer 2023, the virus will probably be less circulating. Current variants of the virus cause even quite mild disease ,” Swiss health officials said.

Seroprevalence data from mid-2022 showed that more than 98% of the Swiss population had antibodies to the COVID-19 virus, indicating that people had immunity from a previous infection, vaccination, or both.

The Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus, which began circulating around the world in late 2021, causes less severe cases than its predecessor, Delta. Additionally, available COVID-19 vaccines have performed increasingly poorly against Omicron and its subvariants, providing little or even negative protection against infection and rapidly diminishing protection against severe disease.

Swiss authorities have hinted at the short-lived protection, noting that people designated at high risk from COVID-19 can still receive the vaccine, despite the lack of recommendations, after consulting their doctor.

“Vaccination may be wise in individual cases, as it improves protection against the development of severe COVID-19 over several months,” they said.

People at high risk are those aged 65 and older and pregnant women. However, empirical Switzerland chooses not to apply any more pressure for vaccinations, leaving it up to individual doctors to advise it.

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The article Switzerland no longer recommends the Covid vaccination even for high-risk people comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-svizzera-non-raccomanda-piu-la-vaccinazione-covid-anche-alle-persone-ad-alto-rischio/ on Mon, 10 Apr 2023 16:25:32 +0000.