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The fourth flight mission of Starship, SpaceX’s heavy spaceship, starts tomorrow

SpaceX obtains the FAA license for the next launch on June 6th, that is tomorrow and it will be, if nothing else , a spectacular event.

SpaceX and the FAA also outlined 3 ways in which Starship Flight 4 could be yet another “Successful Failure” and thus skip an anomaly investigation by the FAA. This indicates that it probably won't be a complete success, and we even know why.

SpaceX conducts a refueling test with its Starship vehicle on May 28, 2024. The company has received a launch license from the FAA for a June 6 test flight. (Image: SpaceX via X)
SpaceX's next Starship megarocket is officially licensed to fly.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a launch license to SpaceX on Tuesday (June 4) for its Starship Flight 4 test mission, which is currently scheduled to lift off no earlier than Thursday, June 6 from the company's Starbase facility near Boca Chica Beach, South Texas.

“The FAA has approved clearance for SpaceX Starship Flight 4,” FAA officials wrote in a statement. “SpaceX met all safety and licensing requirements for this test flight.”

As the name suggests, SpaceX's Starship Flight 4 mission is the fourth test flight of the company's Starship and Super Heavy launch vehicle. When fully assembled, they stand nearly 133 meters tall and are the largest and most powerful rocket in the world. SpaceX designed Starship as a fully reusable ultra-heavy launch system for missions to the Moon, Mars and beyond. NASA's Artemis program, for example, chose Starship as the lander to carry Artemis 3 astronauts to the Moon's south pole in 2026.

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The article Starship's fourth flight mission starts tomorrow, SpaceX's heavy spaceship comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/domani-parte-la-quarta-missione-di-volo-di-starship-lastronave-pesante-di-spacex/ on Wed, 05 Jun 2024 18:53:43 +0000.