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The governor of New Mexico bans citizens from carrying weapons “For health reasons”. The calls for impeachment begin

The story we are about to describe explains very well how people try to govern through emergencies, even improper ones, but how, at least in certain parts of the world, someone still tries to assert constitutionally acquired rights.

In the state of New Mexico, the governor Michelle Lujian has an idea: for reasons of "Health Emergency" she suspends the right to carry weapons, both visible and hidden in clothing, for 30 days, in the counties of Albuquerque and Bernarillo. The justification is that there are too many murders in these counties, too many violent crimes, so it is better to take away everyone's rights, recognized as such in the USA; to carry weapons. This is to protect children, of whom there have been murders. Obviously the dozens of adults count for much less…

Indeed, these counties are among the most violent in the USA and in the first six months of 2023 the number of violent crimes of 2022 has almost been reached. I don't want to do sociology, but, perhaps, drug abuse and economic difficulties and wild immigration from Mexico could be at the root of the crime boom

If you notice the problem is not only with homicides, but there is a problem with violent crimes not directly linked to the use of firearms, such as robberies, rapes and aggravated assaults. All things that can be done very well even without a gun, but with a knife or with pure brute violence.

However, the governor's solution, it goes without saying Dem, is to take away from all citizens, especially honest ones (Law abiding, states the US Constitution), the right to bear arms, as if the criminals who use them, from tomorrow, cease using them to comply with the Governor's order. It's a shame that in the USA this issue is taken so damn seriously, so much so that it is included in the Constitution, in the second amendment, which states:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary for the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed .

As a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Protests against the order issued by the governor therefore began immediately, with several citizens who, without beating around the bush, called for her arrest for violating the Constitution:

Since, as I was saying, constitutional rights are taken seriously in the USA, two state legislatures have filed a request for impeachment against the governor for violation of the Constitution.

Their request for indictment will not remain isolated because several associations have already moved to take the governor to court.

What does this story teach us:

a) that the alibi of the health emergency allows us to justify anything, even ordinances that evidently violate the constitution and acquired rights even on issues that have nothing to do with the medical and health field. COVID has provided the absolute weapon of repression. This is just a preview of what will happen in the future

b) that, however, not all citizens are sheep and that, if they see their constitutional rights perceived as acquired being affected, they are ready to rebel with the means provided by law. The sheep to be sheared are in the Old Continent…

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The article The governor of New Mexico bans citizens from carrying weapons "For health reasons". The calls for impeachment start coming from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-governatore-del-new-mexico-vieta-ai-cittadini-il-porto-darmi-per-motivi-sanitari-partono-le-richieste-di-impeachment/ on Sun, 10 Sep 2023 15:42:28 +0000.