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The Netherlands also sends a delegation to Niger to resume collaboration. Slap in the face of France

The authorities of Niger and the Netherlands will revive their cooperation, suspended since the coup that overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum in July 2023.

A delegation of Dutch diplomats began a working visit to Niamey from 16 to 19 April 2024, with the aim of “renewing dialogue with the new authorities and relaunching cooperation for the benefit of the population”.

Led by Paul Tholen, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Niger, the delegation was received by Colonel Maizama Abdoulaye, Minister of Water, Sanitation and the Environment, as reported by the National Council for the Protection of the Homeland (CNSP) , the junta in power in Niamey.

The two sides discussed projects in the fields of water, sanitation and environment, financed by the Netherlands from 2022.

Work sessions are planned between experts from the two countries to formulate concrete proposals for the relaunch of previously suspended activities.

Italy has also resumed contact. All slaps for Paris.

Several countries suspended their partnership with Niger following the July 2023 putsch. As a reciprocal measure, Niamey denounced military agreements that bind it to some of its traditional partners, such as France and the United States.

As a result, French forces in the Sahel were ordered to leave Niger. Likewise, the end of the defense agreements with Washington should lead to the withdrawal of American soldiers present in the country and the handover of the 201 base in Agadez to the Nigerian authorities, who have strengthened their relations with Russia.

However, after this first step, some countries, including Italy , sent delegations to resume dialogue and collaboration with the African country. All to avoid damaging useful relationships

Last Wednesday, the first contingent of the Africa Corps, part of the Russian Ministry of Defense, arrived in Niamey, accompanied by equipment intended to ensure the safety of Niger's airspace.

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The article The Netherlands also sends a delegation to Niger to resume collaboration. Slap in the face of France comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/anche-i-paesi-bassi-mandano-una-delegazione-in-niger-per-riprendere-la-collaborazione-schiaffo-alla-francia/ on Thu, 18 Apr 2024 06:30:04 +0000.