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THE POST BREXIT IMMIGRATION LAW REJECTED BY THE CHAMBER OF LORDS. Like a group of unelected nobles, they want to flea democracy

The aristocracy, or alleged aristocracy, beat the democratically elected House and reject one of the fundamental laws for Brexit. The House of Lords has repeatedly rejected the government's proposal on legislation ending freedom of movement. It means that the flagship bill will face a legislative struggle, known as "parliamentary ping pong", in which it will bounce multiple times between the various chambers. The law proposed by the government provided for a system based on a score, in which the linguistic qualities of the person in English and their job and income qualifications were assessed for the granting of the entry and work visa

Recall that in the English state system the House of Lords or Peers is composed of 797 theorists (many do not take part in the voting) of which 92 elected from among Peers by inheritance and others by royal appointment. No one is democratically elected.

The Peers have amended several points of the law presented by the Chambers: first of all a point that provides for some financial restrictions for British returning home from the EU after 2022. They also wanted to amend the part about the automatic continuation of the protection scheme for minors sent from the EU to the UK, who could then automatically enjoy the same reallocation rights as they did in the EU. however, this would leave child legislation indefinitely in the orbit of the EU.

What will happen now? According to the Parliament Act of 1911, the law will now return to the lower house which will be able to accept the amendments or reject them, approving the law again. then it will return to the House of the Lord which can attempt to amend it a second time. If approved a third time by the House of Commons then it will go to the Queen's signature, the “Royal Assent”, even without the approval of the Lords.

However, it is curious, but very significant, how it is a NON-elected chamber that puts a spoke in the wheels of Brexit. after all, the dream of the pro-Europeans is an oligarchic state (an aristocratic would underline the choice of the best), in which the people have no say, except to applaud.

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The article THE POST BREXIT IMMIGRATION LAW REJECTED BY THE CHAMBER OF LORDS. How a group of non-elected nobles wants to flea for democracy comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-le-gge-sullimmigrazione-post-brexit-respinta-dalla-camera-dei-lord-come-un-gruppo-di-nobili-non-eletti-vuol-fare-le-pulci-alla-democrazia/ on Tue, 06 Oct 2020 08:30:35 +0000.