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The Russian shadow fleet finds another sea to transfer the oil to

In May, Greece announced a naval exclusion zone in the international waters of the Gulf of Laconia , with the aim of stopping ship-to-ship transfers taking place in that area.

“This strategic area, known for ship-to-ship (STS) transfers of Russian oil, has become a crucial battleground for the enforcement of global sanctions against Moscow,” MarineTraffic reported.

As a result, traders have shifted STS activity to the Moroccan coast, where at least three Aframax tankers, loaded with Urals from Russia's Baltic port of Primorsk in May, recently arrived to transfer flagship Russian crude to larger vessels, according to data monitored by Bloomberg.

In recent months, Spain and the European Union have also cracked down on STS transfers near Ceuta, the Spanish enclave on the North African coast, but Morocco has an extensive coastline and obviously the Spanish cannot claim to have expertise on the seas of other countries.

So the Greek measures managed to achieve their result only very partially, causing a little annoyance, but not much, to the fleet of Russian ships that tranship the Russian oil subject to sanctions by the G7. This black gold will end up in some Asian refinery where it will be mixed with oil from other sources and will return to Europe as pure non-Russian fuel.

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The article The Russian shadow fleet finds the other sea where to transfer oil comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-flotta-ombra-russa-trova-il-altro-mare-dove-trasferire-il-petrolio/ on Tue, 04 Jun 2024 06:00:09 +0000.