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The Swiss central bank has sold many of its securities on the US stock exchange. Lightens the active

The Swiss National Bank acted in a unique way among money-printing central banks: it created its own money, but then did not buy bonds or shares in its own currency, but instead used Swiss francs to buy foreign currency, mostly euros and dollars , and with that foreign currency it bought stocks and bonds denominated in those foreign currencies. Indeed, in those years it was not QE in Switzerland, but QE in other countries, ostensibly to prevent the Swiss franc from over-appreciating against other currencies, mainly the euro and the dollar.

But this move created 132 billion Swiss francs in losses in 2022, the SNB said earlier this year, the biggest annual loss in its history, amid falling stock and bond prices and strong exchange rate fluctuations. Then the Swiss SNB, as Wolfstreet noted, started selling the bonds on the US market.

The total amount of “Foreign currency investments” on the SNB's balance sheet, including US equities, at the end of December 2022 dropped by 176 billion francs, or 18%, from its February 2022 peak, to 801 billion francs. francs, the lowest value since October 2019 and slightly higher than in December 2017:

At its peak in February 2022, foreign currency investment totaled 977 billion Swiss francs ($1.06 trillion at today's exchange rates), or about 130% of Switzerland's GDP!

The decline in the value of foreign currency investments has occurred in conjunction with the collapse in asset prices and sharp swings in exchange rates. The SNB values ​​its foreign currency investments on the market. Its foreign currency bonds are not designed to be “held to maturity,” but are held for sale under its currency manipulation scheme, and the shares still need to be marked to market.

But not to worry: the SNB, like any central bank that creates its own money, can't run out of funds and “go bankrupt” or whatever, no matter how much money it loses.

Here is a table showing the decline in the ownership of American equities at the end of 2022 compared to the previous two quarters.

Top 50 as at 31 December 2022 changes compared to
Dollar values number of shares Q3 2022 Q2, 2022
APPLE 8.486 65,315,868 -4,826,740 -5,475,740
MICROSOFT 6,906 28,795,370 -1,996,285 -2.098.985
ALPHABET 4,150 46,912,500 -3,601,740 -3,824,040
AMAZON 3.130 37,264,400 -2,419,640 -2,467,040
UNITED HEALTH 2.016 3,801,661 -264.065 -279.765
JOHNSON & JOHNSON 1.888 10,685,700 -718.116 -719,716
EXXON MOBIL 1,868 16,938,376 -1.317.815 -1.426.315
Nvidia 1.479 10,120,000 -731,824 -724,624
PROCTER AND GAMBLE 1,469 9,694,590 -703.383 -703.583
VISA 1.381 6,645,100 -487.119 -548.919
CHEVRON 1,357 7,557,690 -531.642 -890.542
TESLA 1.333 10,824,975 -623.902 -607.302
HOME DEPOT 1.314 4,160,700 -293.266 -369.066
MASTERCARD 1.219 3,506,700 -256.757 -279.157
ELI LILLY 1.201 3,282,490 -217.558 -228.958
PFIZER 1.169 22,810,112 -1,506,129 -1,583,329
SHORTS 1.161 7,186,010 -472.365 -486.665
MERCK & CO 1.142 10,295,951 -663.281 -668.981
META PLATFORMS 1.115 9,269,300 -670.310 -747.310
COCA COLA 1.062 16,697,600 -1,149,994 -1,168,694
PEPSICO 1.013 5,609,000 -383.804 -392.204
BROADCOM 918 1,641,234 -108.808 -135.608
THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC 877 1,592,400 -104.127 -104.527
WALMART 869 6,127,500 -434.083 -490,483
COSTCO extension 822 1,800,300 -119.699 -123.299
CISCO SYS 802 16,830,000 -1,115,820 -1,190,120
MCDONALDS 788 2,990,200 -214.757 -235.357
ABBOTT LABS 781 7,117,380 -470.885 -532.485
DANAHER CORPORATION 745 2,808,708 -184.562 -139.262
ACCENTURE 686 2,570,900 -174.038 -170.638
VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS 673 17,068,798 -1,131,403 -1,140,703
NEXTERA ENERGY 668 7,985,400 -528.282 -528.782
LINDE 661 2,025,501 -153.067 -197.867
DISNEY WALT 644 7,409,425 -484.546 -488.246
ADOBE SYSTEMS 640 1,902,100 -145.589 -144.089
PHILIP MORRIS 638 6,300,300 -417.622 -422.622
COMCAST 626 17,898,200 -1,476,229 -1,725,429
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB 624 8,678,300 -548.557 -776.957
TEXAS INSTRS 614 3,713,600 -282.683 -292.583
CONOCOPHILLIPS 611 5,173,915 -431.614 -463.214
RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGIES 606 6,000,881 -444,533 -472.633
NIKE 601 5,135,800 -362,393 -400.593
HONEYWELL 587 2,738,100 -211.955 -236.855
AMGEN 571 2,174,033 -140.993 -242.293
SALESFORCE 539 4,064,277 -243.054 -208.554
AT&T extension 533 28,961,984 -2,063,278 -2,022,978
NETFLIX 533 1,807,400 -117.904 -118.504
ORACLE 531 6,498,500 -439.388 -451.888
UNION PAC 526 2,538,000 -185.316 -224.816
UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 517 2,974,400 -208.418 -203.318
Total 65.089 521,901,629 -36,779,338 -39.575.638

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The article The Swiss central bank has sold many of its securities on the US stock exchange. Lighten the asset comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-banca-centrale-svizzera-ha-venduto-molti-dei-propri-titoli-sulla-borsa-usa-alleggerisce-lattivo/ on Sun, 12 Feb 2023 11:32:44 +0000.