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Economic Scenarios

Trump: I will not withdraw from the race for the White House even if they condemn me

Former US President Donald Trump said on Friday he would not end his presidential campaign even if he is convicted in one of the criminal investigations racking up against him.

The 77-year-old Republican candidate was asked his reaction to federal and state charges he faces as he runs for a second term in 2024, a day after federal prosecutors added three counts against him for handling records reserved.

Asked by radio host John Fredericks if the conviction would stop his campaign, he was quick to reply: “Not at all. There is nothing in the Constitution that says it could do that." “And even the lunatics on the radical left say it's not like that at all, it wouldn't stop me – and it wouldn't stop me either. These people are sick. What they are doing is absolutely awful,” he added.

Trump also said that the records of his home in Mar-a-Lago were turned over to the FBI without any problems.

Trump said previous presidents, including Barack Obama and George W. Bush, "have taken documents," suggesting they have engaged in behavior similar to his. President Biden's documents from his vice presidents were also found in his Delaware home.

“No one has ever faced such a thing. It's madness,” Donald Trump criticizes US President Biden after pleading not guilty in the case of classified documents
The twice-indicted former president was first indicted last month in the classified documents case, on charges he endangered national security by keeping top-secret nuclear and defense information after leaving the 'assignment.

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The article Trump: I won't withdraw from the race for the White House even if they condemn me comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/trump-non-mi-ritiro-dalla-corsa-alla-casa-bianca-neanche-se-mi-condannano/ on Fri, 28 Jul 2023 16:45:11 +0000.