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Trump under investigation? He now leads the US primary by 30 points

News of an indictment boosted former President Donald Trump's votes in the GOP primary race and didn't dent his lead over President Joe Biden, according to an internal Trump campaign poll.

President Trump has achieved a significantly increased lead over his opponents in all-court tests and single-candidate primary election tests, while his decisive lead over Joe Biden in a general election runoff test remains unchanged ,” wrote pollster John McLaughlin of McLaughlin & Associates.

In polling 14 potential Republican candidates, the impeachment significantly stretched Trump's lead from 12 to 30 points:

  • Trump is up 51% – from 43% in January.
  • Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis goes 21% – down from 31% in January.
  • Former Vice President Mike Pence 6%.
  • Nikki Haley 4%.
  • The other 10 candidates are at 2% or less.

Trump's advantage in a hypothetical one-on-one primary with DeSantis sees the former president even more ahead. Trump beat DeSantis 63%-30%, a 33-point margin that surpasses his lead by just 12 points in January (52%-40%).

Sample of 1,000 likely general election voters see Trump impeachment has led to greater division of society (56%, vs. 34% who see the opposite), think real issues are ignored (57%) and nearly a majority (48%) believe the justice system is being used as a weapon against Trump.

According to the poll, Trump is 13% more likely to win votes after the impeachment than to lose.

Trump leads Biden 47%-43%, virtually unchanged from the March poll. Additionally, 61% of likely GOP primary voters say Trump is the best candidate to beat Biden, versus 33% who see otherwise.

Not only:

  • 65% of likely GOP primary voters — which includes independents who vote in the primaries — want Trump to run again, up from 58% in January.
  • 71% say the US under Biden is on the wrong track, up from 65% in March.
  • 69% say the US has regressed under Biden in the past two years.
  • 55% say the indictment shows a double standard of justice between Trump and Biden, while only 33% disagree; these percentages are between 85% and 10% among likely GOP voters.

The right to a fair trial is a hallmark of the American justice system, but poll voters don't believe that is possible in Manhattan. Only 37% of voters believe Trump can get a fair trial in Manhattan, versus 47% who say it won't be fair. As for likely GOP primary voters, the numbers are: 72% unfair, versus just 18% fair.

The McLaughlin & Associates poll was conducted March 31 through April 1 among 1,000 likely general election voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. In the subset of 452 likely Republican primary voters, the margin of error is 4.6 percentage points.

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Trump article under investigation? Now leading the US primary by 30 points comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/trump-sotto-inchiesta-ora-guida-le-primarie-usa-con-30-punti-di-vantaggio/ on Sun, 02 Apr 2023 14:37:56 +0000.