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US sanctions on Hungary? When Washington sanctions a NATO country

A day after the Hungarian foreign minister's visit to Moscow to talk energy supplies with Gazprom, sources told Reuters that Washington is preparing to launch punitive actions against some Hungarian individuals for violating international sanctions.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto met with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak on Tuesday to discuss additional natural gas supplies for 2023, Reuters reported.

According to BNE Intelligence, the agreements signed between the two sides on Tuesday provide for a steady supply of Russian oil and gas to Hungary, as well as an amended agreement to finance the Paks nuclear power plant expansion project.

Hungary, a member of NATO and the European Union and heavily dependent on Russian oil and gas, has refused to criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin and condemn the war in Ukraine despite mounting pressure from Washington and Brussels. Hungary's nationalist prime minister, Viktor Orban, has strongly criticized EU sanctions against Russia.

“In the last few days, everyone in the streets has been faced with the fact that it is no longer the opposition that is campaigning with US money, but the US embassy is directly campaigning in Hungary,” he said. Gergely Gulyas, Orban's chief of staff, said on Twitter in a statement released by Hungarian media.

"The United States has not given up on trying to push Hungary into the pro-war position shared by many of our allies, but Hungary remains convinced that peace is the only common interest."

In an alleged CIA intelligence update from the US Embassy, ​​Orban names the US as a major adversary and a number of leaked documents, supposedly classified information, suggest Washington is spying on Orban's Fidesz party .

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The article US sanctions on Hungary? When Washington sanctions a NATO country comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/sanzioni-usa-allungheria-quandi-washington-sanziona-un-paese-nato/ on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 17:02:31 +0000.