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Economic Scenarios

USA: American football player has collapsed on the field. The NFL postpones the day

In the USA, the well-known professional American football player Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills had a cardiovascular collapse during the game against the Bengals, so much so that he had to receive cardio-circulatory resuscitation on the field, and is now hospitalized in serious condition:

The event has been described as "Inexplicable", above all because we are talking about players of the top flight, professionals, who earn millions of dollars and are therefore super controlled in their health. A collapse on the pitch is an event that shouldn't happen, yet it did, in a trained and young sportsman.

Obviously the explanations from the fans have started, which vary from cardiac concussion, that is a strong blow to the chest that sends the heart into a tailspin, to secondary effects of vaccinations

due to the emotion, the teams stopped the game which, for the record, saw the Bengals in the lead. Subsequently the NFL decided to postpone the whole match, even though we were at the end of the elimination rounds and the postponement also has repercussions on other matches.

The question always remains: how can a super-controlled young player have cardio-circulatory collapse on the pitch?

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The USA article: American football player collapses on the field. The NFL postpones the day comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/usa-giocatore-di-football-americano-ha-un-collasso-in-campo-la-nfl-rinvia-la-giornata/ on Tue, 03 Jan 2023 15:49:07 +0000.