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Violence at Wembley to get in, loser stuff. And the fools of our house ..

Unfortunately in the football defeat the English give their worst. The 13 million pints of beer drunk, combined with an itchy hands typical of those areas, have caused this bad spectacle that one would generally do without and which is the darkest aspect of the British character.

WhatsApp Video 2021-07-12 at 08.58.01

Not that this is new: hooligans were born right in the UK, what happened at Haysel was not the result of chance, and I, personally, remember how brawling outside pubs was the typical Friday night show even in small towns. … The problem is that if we detach the brain, the hands move madly and in this case they moved in an attempt to break through, kicking, punching etc, the gates at the entrance to the stadium, getting slaps, punches and kicks.

For heaven's sake, not that in Italy the frantic who, for example, in Piazzale Flaminio threw scooters on the ground to walk on them, but the English one of waiting for the fans at the exit is a cowardly gesture.

In Italy, on the other hand, we have a decent breeding of people who are not very lucid,

For example, this well-known economist who links the British defeat to Brexit …

Apart from the fact that England has not won an international tournament since the sixties, so the presence first in the EEC (1976) then in the EU did not help much, but. thinking about these terms then the GDR, which was grinding gold medals, was also an economic superpower …

Then we have the anti-Italians in continuous service, those who feel superior to others always at any time of day or night, so they can afford to mock and humiliate them.

Luckily he didn't support Italy, otherwise we would have lost!

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The article Violence at Wembley to enter, loser stuff. And the fools of our house .. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/picchiare-i-tifosi-italiani-nella-sconfitta-roba-di-perdente-ed-i-fessi-di-casa-nostra/ on Mon, 12 Jul 2021 08:03:44 +0000.