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Economic Scenarios

WE ARE ALL POORER, BUT THE BAG IS AT THE MAXIMUM: an interview with Valerio Malvezzi

The data are alarming: unemployment is growing, with + 200 thousand cases in October alone, but, at the same time, banks are subject to the same rules as Basliea 2, which lead to a credit crunch, exactly as if it were not nothing happened, only to discover that NPLs explode and it will therefore be necessary to intervene with the money from the MES …
Alarming figures and a government that does not seem to care: is it all possible by chance? Is it possible that no one at the top notices it? "I find it embarrassing to think that all this is accidental – the Professor commented to our microphones – the stock exchanges are going up, huge planetary wealth is moving around the world, there are those who are making lots of money … and this data is as if not there were ". In this interview by Francesco Vergovich and Fabio Duranti , a detailed analysis by Valerio Malvezzi: this is what awaits us, according to the economist, if the government's economic choices continue not to move towards new perspectives.

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The article WE ARE ALL MORE POOR, BUT THE BAG IS AT THE MAXIMUM: an interview with Valerio Malvezzi comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/siamo-tutti-piu-poveri-ma-la-borsa-e-ai-massimi-unintervista-a-valerio-malvezzi/ on Mon, 14 Dec 2020 09:00:27 +0000.