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“We need to deal with Russia directly, not just leave Ukraine.” Word from the chairman of the Defense Commission of the British Parliament

Tobias Ellwood is interviewed by Skynews about the situation in the UK military. He is a prominent member of the governing Conservative Party and chairs the House of Commons Parliamentary Defense Committee. So he is the British equivalent of Antonino Minardo, chairman of the Defense Committee of the Chamber.

The interview is very interesting. Ellwood Highlights the obsolescence of the British army's endowments, based on means that are between 20 and 40 years old and for which, for now, no replacement is seen, also due to budget constraints.

But I invite you to go to minute 2.16 of the video below

At this point Ellwookd states:

“We need to move towards a war-like posture, we are involved in it, we have mobilized our (military) supply processes, we have donated equipment, we need to face Russia directly and deal with it, rather than leaving Ukraine to do all the Work"

Here's the exact moment he says it

Ellwood is not just any parliamentarian, what would be called any "Backbencher" in the UK, but he is the expression of the government majority placed to coordinate parliamentary work in the defense sector. Words like that usually would once have anticipated sending the declaration of war through the ambassador, and today, in lesser times, the sending of troops into the field. Imagine if something like this had been said by our President of the Commission! Among other things, in doing so, the executive is put in serious difficulty and is deprived of his/her duties.

In Russia, television shows have repeatedly praised the destruction of the United Kingdom, but these were propaganda shows, not television interviews. Clearly Ellwood with these words wants to cash in on defense funds, but it is a very dangerous speech. Unless the United Kingdom really wants to go to war officially, this is a dangerous communicative qui pro quo.

The good thing is that Ellwood describes a situation in the British military so dire that any military action appears unlikely.

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The article “We must face Russia directly, not leave Ukraine alone”. Word from the chairman of the Defense Commission of the British Parliament comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/dobbiamo-affrontare-la-russia-direttamente-non-lasciare-solo-lucraina-parola-del-presidente-della-commissione-difesa-del-parlamento-britannico/ on Wed, 05 Jul 2023 14:56:28 +0000.