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Welding: the safety of workshops and industries passes through professional fume extractors

Welder in the factory

Anyone who works in a workshop or in a plant where metal components are welded and/or grounded certainly knows how important it is to operate in safe conditions .

In this sector, in fact, there are never too many precautions: whether it is a matter of complying with the provisions of the law, or whether you want to ensure a healthy and risk-free environment for your employees, you need to make adequate investments to acquire the best equipment that the market can offer.

An example in this sense are the welding fume aspirators , devices that should never be missing in such contexts in order to guarantee their safety.

In fact, it often happens that during metalworking – in particular, with welding and grinding – fumes are released that are potentially harmful to humans and the environment. Not only that: poor visibility is a risk factor for the genesis of accidents or injuries – sometimes even serious ones – which could involve the workers present on site.

Based on the foregoing, providing an extraction system for the fumes produced during processing is absolutely necessary to allow everyone to carry out their activities in optimal conditions.

Types of professional vacuum cleaners: which ones to choose

There are different types of professional fume extractors and, for each of them, there are factors to be evaluated according to the activities and performance required.

In particular, it is important to take into account the processes performed, the materials and machinery used, but also the size of the spaces and the number of people who are generally inside the workshop or industrial plant in question.

It is possible to find a wide range of professional extractors for welding fumes by relying on authorized dealers such as Saldapro.it , a specialized e-commerce which is a real point of reference for companies in the metalworking sector.

Portable smoke aspirators

Transportable vacuum cleaners , powered by batteries or by electric cable, are light, compact and easy to handle devices. Therefore, they are particularly suitable for establishments made up of several welding or grinding stations , perhaps located at a certain distance from each other and used at different times or for different processes.

In fact, if the production activity is not continuous, it is possible to use a single portable vacuum cleaner to cover the entire environment, positioning it only where necessary.

Suction modules for welding tables

In the event that there are two , three or more operating stations at the same time, especially if the area to be cleaned is very large, a transportable device may not be sufficient to remove all the fumes.

In such situations, therefore, the use of suction modules for welding tables is recommended – one for each station – to allow the performance of several activities, but without sacrificing safety.

Aspirators with one or two arms

Practical and functional, the smoke aspirators equipped with one or two flexible arms allow you to eliminate all traces of smoke with great precision. The suction pipe, in fact, is made in such a way that it can be directed towards the exact point from which the welding or grinding fumes come, so as to free the workstation from residues that could obstruct the view.

This typology offers various advantages, including manageability and minimum size , as well as adapting to environments of all sizes.

Fixed aspirators

Fixed aspirators are the most common choice in the industrial sector, especially where activities take place without interruptions and the diffusion of fumes is fairly uniform. For an optimal result, however, it is necessary to evaluate various aspects: from the number of aspirators to the suction power, as well as the position of the various devices within the work environment.

In particular cases, moreover, a combination of fixed and portable vacuum cleaners is recommended, so as to keep the area in optimal conditions and, at the same time, to be able to intervene quickly when needed.

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The article Welding: the safety of workshops and industries passes through professional fume extractors comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/saldatura-la-sicurezza-di-officine-e-industrie-passa-per-gli-aspiratori-di-fumi-professionali/ on Thu, 13 Apr 2023 05:18:20 +0000.