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Will Meloni also lead France on the reintegration of sanitary ware?

Will Italy set an example for France on the reintegration of unvaccinated healthcare workers for Covid? It seems so, according to the French magazine Marianne. Giorgia Meloni's new Italian government has decided to end the compulsory vaccination of health workers against Covid-19 starting from 1 November. About 4,000 doctors and nurses suspended for a year and a half can return to work, two months before the original date of 31 December. According to the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci, the repeal of this measure should make it possible to limit the "shortage of medical and health personnel", especially since the impact of the virus on hospitals is "now limited". As we know, the reintegration has aroused some controversy in the hypervaccinist opposition and the spite of some regional governors.

Italy is certainly not the first European country to back down, on the contrary it has reached the decision with some delay. In England, compulsory vaccination was announced for the end of 2021 and sanctions were scheduled for April 1, 2022. Finally, on March 1 of the same year, the British government backtracked, claiming that the Omicron variant was "less serious "of the previous ones. Spain and Portugal, two of the countries with the highest vaccination rates in Europe, have never taken such a step. In Germany, the obligation was introduced in March 2022, with each region deciding how to implement the measure, but only 70 suspensions were decided by last summer, according to German broadcaster N-tv. So Berlin has applied the obligation with great caution, the exact opposite of what happened in Italy.

Only France seems to be an exception to this softening of the European rule. On 22 July, the Minister of Health, François Braun, renewed this obligation following the favorable opinion of the High Authority for Health (HAS). "In the context of a seventh wave, given the effectiveness of vaccines and the uncertainties related to the continuation of the epidemic, the HAS believes that the data are not such as to question" this measure, reads the institution's website . Like the Scientific Council and the Academy of Medicine, the HAS had identified ethical and public health issues. But at this point Paris is isolated in the face of evidence and openings. Will Macron also have to change his mind?

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Will the article La Meloni also lead France on the reintegration of sanitary ware? comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-meloni-fara-da-apripista-anche-alla-francia-sul-reintegro-dei-sanitari/ on Thu, 03 Nov 2022 08:00:24 +0000.