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“X” reaches the all-time high of active users, 550 million. Does Musk want to get into politics or spark discussions?

Good news for X, the social network once called Twitter. While the clone launched by Meta/Facebook, Thread, is almost dying, regularly losing active users after an initial burst, on the contrary, X hits the all-time record of active users, reaching 550 million

On the contrary, the trend in the number of users of Thread, the Meta clone, is decreasing, after the initial burst

Some are now starting to wonder whether it is not appropriate to close down with the Meta group's social network because, by now, it has very little chance of being able to compete with X and is tragically aiming for zero. The number of users "With economic value" has increased to 245 million from 229 million in April 2022, despite now considering the number of minutes online, precisely to get the various clones out of the way.

But does Elon Musk just want to use X as an economic tool? doubts are arising: yesterday the entrepreneur visited the southern borders of the USA, to see with his own eyes the situation of illegal immigration, making a direct

He then intervened by relaunching and commenting on a post by the RadioGenoa identitarian

With these moves, Musk wants, in our point of view, to achieve two objectives, the first certain, the second more uncertain:

  • he certainly wants to transform
  • he wants to build a political future for himself in the short term, if Trump is arrested/blocked in his now clearly successful electoral race, or in the medium term, if the former president manages to run in the next elections.

We'll see what the future tells us…

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Article “X” reaches an all-time high of active users, 550 million. Does Musk want to get into politics or spark discussions? comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/x-tocca-il-massimo-storico-di-utenti-attivi-550-milioni-musk-vuole-entrare-in-politica-o-accendere-discussioni/ on Sat, 30 Sep 2023 07:00:08 +0000.