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Expensive petrol, low prices: arsonists are also on the road

Caldonazzo – " If with DDL Zan we turned to the Middle Ages, with these unjustified increases we turned to Diavolina cubes!" "Says Fiammetta Boschi, spokeswoman for Hands Off Nero , an association that fights for the rights of arsonists and has more than 15,000 members. ” Following the increase in gas, which has made refueling more expensive, there is a real risk that the wave of rising prices and the higher costs will inevitably be induced by expensive petrol. lead to a reduction in the cost of firefighters in sight. of the next forest fire season ”.

According to the latest report from the Ministry of Ecological Transition, in fact, it seems that a liter of petrol costs the same as a Mojito in a Night Club ; diesel , in self-service mode, almost reached the coffee level in St. Mark's Square ; while LPG , after the immediate decline, remains stable at the cost of a Belgian amber .

So, in addition to the lack of agreement in July at the Vienna summit between OPEC countries on the increase in crude oil production, the inflated price of excise duty weighs on the pockets of Italians: there are many that break down the particulate filter. .
Therefore, there are accusations against politicians who for years have deceived voters about the abolition of these excises without ever fulfilling this promise, perhaps because they are taken by other priorities, such as the opposition. to the loss of the privilege of insulting minorities. As members of the association do not hide their displeasure towards a prime minister named Draghi but show the utmost disinterest in the fire dispensers.

Fiammetta Boschi emphasizes the importance of the supply generated by the actions of the arsonists: “ Canadair drivers would risk their jobs, not to mention the workers who produce them, the petrol stations themselves would earn more by supplying the arsonists and firefighters ’cars. , but also those of journalists in places they have never been. We have brought the economy and revived the love for their land even in those who, before our intervention, used it only to land toxic waste. Truth be told, how many opportunities to show tenderness on social media have we given you with those burnt koalas saved in Australia, even with those who had always thought you were just heartless insensitive?

Vittorio Lattanzi

The article Expensive petrol, rising prices : arsonists even on the road come from Lercio .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/caro-benzina-prezzi-alle-stelle-scendono-in-piazza-anche-i-piromani / u Thu, 28 Oct 2021 09:38:16 +0000.

The article Gasoline is expensive, prices are skyrocketing: arsonists are also on the road coming from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/benzina-caru-prezzi-sbulicati-i-piromani-vanu-ancu-in-carrughju/ on Sat, 30 Oct 2021 03:40:00 +0000.