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Better Bard or ChatGpt?

Better Bard or ChatGpt?

Bard starts from a disadvantageous position, but according to experts it could even surpass ChatGpt. Certainly the challenge is only just beginning

The question on everyone's lips is: better Bard or ChatGpt? The fight promises to be close and, as we have said over and over again, it will probably reshape the Internet as we know it. Already in the latest Google I/O 2023 ( which left a bitter taste for us laymen ), Mountain View explained that, thanks to smart algorithms, the way we search on the Internet will soon change.


To use the same example given at the event, nowadays you would consult Google to find out which parks to visit in a given state. Soon the search engine powered by Bard will be able to fully answer a question a little more difficult than usual, such as this: "For a family with children under 3 and a dog, Bryce Canyon or Arches?”, which are two well-known natural parks in the United States. In the test broadcast in favor of the press and shareholders, the search engine detailed the answers in a few moments.


A few weeks ago the editors of Ars Technica carried out several tests on Google Bard and ChatGpt aimed at establishing whether the linguistic model underlying Bard is better than Gpt-4, or whether instead the latter, used by Microsoft Bing, could have the best and establish itself as the new market of the Web. The report card drawn up at the end included seven items: humor (“ dad jokes” , to be exact), argumentation in dialogue, solving math problems in words, ability to write summaries, research of facts, creative writing and coding.

According to the American newspaper, the algorithm lovingly bred by OpenAI also thanks to funds from Microsoft ( feeding it costs 700,000 dollars a day) wins five out of seven tests. There would appear to be no competition. However, Bard has an interesting advantage in a relevant application: it can better condense long texts into short summaries than its rival. On the other hand Ars Technica was not even able to test Bard in coding, because at the time of the test Big G's AI did not have the ability to write lines of code, a novelty introduced and advertised at the event a few days ago.

But the most incredible aspect is that although Bard has Google at its disposal, ChatGpt surpasses it in the search for factual and precise information in its database. Similarly, OpenAI also takes home the medals in OpenAI's AI Argument and Logic categories clearly outnumbering Bard's, demonstrating that Google is currently at a disadvantage compared to Microsoft.


But soon Google's AI could make up for lost ground and even overtake Microsoft's coddled one. Paul Couvert , an expert in artificial intelligence, is convinced of this, who listed eight points on Twitter that would make Bard better performing than ChatGPT.

  • «ChatGPT – explains Couvert – has not yet made internet search available to the general public», while Bard does in 180 countries (excluding Italy).
  • Among the innovations of Bard's AI there is also the possibility of speaking to the artificial intelligence and not just giving it written orders.
  • «Unlike ChatGPT, you can directly export a reply in 2 clicks». Without copying and pasting a text, you can ask the software to move it to Docs or Gmail.
  • Bard allows summaries of web pages. “Because Bard has access to the internet, you can ask him any question about a site. Very useful for making summaries or understanding complex topics».
  • «Bard automatically generates three versions of the same answer – highlights Couvert -. If you don't like the proposed version, you can choose another one».
  • “Give Bard a link and ask him a question about a file. He'll be able to explain what it's for and how it works."
  • According to Paul Couvert, «Bard suggests that you search on Google to learn more. This allows you to quickly verify sources, unlike ChatGPT».
  • And finally, Google's AI would give more precise travel advice. «Bard is able to find the best places for you to visit. ChatGPT can do that too, but it's out of date with the latest things to see."

One thing is certain: the battle has just begun.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/intelligenza-artificiale-e-battagl-ia-meglio-bard-o-chatgpt/ on Sun, 14 May 2023 05:47:24 +0000.