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Is it really convenient for the right to espouse General Vannacci’s theses?

Is it really convenient for the right to espouse General Vannacci's theses?

General Vannacci's book, political reactions and some questions for the right. Paola Sacchi's italics

The polarization of the clash on General Roberto Vannacci's book is now such that if you only dare to raise a basic doubt, regardless of the contents, on the opportunity for a soldier in service to be a columnist on sensitive issues, pass for a leftist, despite being center-right or nothing. And if you agree with the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto, who is also the co-founder of FdI, of liberal culture not coming from the MSI or An, who asked for a normal disciplinary exam, as would also have happened in the USA, for example, you pass for a vulgar executioner executioner, though, chessò, having always defended Bettino Craxi from judicial fury from unsuspecting times or Silvio Berlusconi from always judicial persecution.

Now, however, because in the era of know-it-all opinionism on TV, in the fashion that is now going crazy, where comments come before the facts are explained well, in that gigantic blender of screams and metaphorical fisticuffs, as if a television studio were a ring from Madison Square Garden, and without Benvenuti and Griffith, doesn't the basic theme go deeper? And that is that he is a military man and, as such, not only has he sworn on the Constitution, but a sort of code of honor should apply to him and that in this case the sacrosanct free speech has something to do with it like cabbage at a snack?

Even if it is very suggestive, we do not make a reference to the famous US film Code of Honor, where a highly decorated soldier, albeit a brave one, breaks internal military rules in the field. If anything, we are referring to a code of political-military expediency. Apart from the Pd, which as usual, exaggerating in its prejudicial opposition to the government, argued that Crosetto was too soft, two exponents of Crosetto's same party, Giovanni Donzelli and Galeazzo Bignami , intervened until last night in defense of freedom expression of Vannacci, presenting as this the answer to the so-called unique thought of the politically correct left, effectively ascribing Vannacci to the right. But if the single thought of the left rightly contested is not good, why should now a single nascent thought of the right be good too?

Freedom of expression and pluralism are rightly invoked. Giordano Bruno was even brought up here too. But it is liberal to throw it into ideology like this, which clashes with liberal thought, even on sensitive issues, of civilization such as homosexuality defined as "not normal" by the general, who according to what we learn was also in Kabul to defend women and gays, the most defenseless victims of the Taliban? Rules or no rules, is this self-published 373-page tome appropriate on a political-military level? And what convenience does the right have in slavishly embracing Vannacci's theses which, right or wrong, deserve more serious insights, elsewhere and by exponents who do not represent the state in the first person?

Come to mind that the general, on the other hand, is not even, as a citizen, right-wing or rather sympathizes instead with the Five Stars or for those who legitimately mean him? Finally, it doesn't risk being tafazzismo for the right to take the side that the left has scientifically assigned it for decades: that is, homophobes, while even the PCI was homophobic in its deepest areas, and fascists, while fascism is no longer there. 80 years old?

Who benefits? Probably only to a left that lacks a real project, divided is therefore only capable of making a prejudicial opposition. Vannacci or no Vannacci. All the evils of a certain grillina culture populism emerge where one is worth one, everyone can say anything, regardless of the delicate role they occupy. And this in a country where the general's book sells like hot cakes , but maybe you have never read even one of the basic texts of the masterpieces of literature or non-fiction. Bad Italians.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/alla-destra-conviene-davvero-sposare-le-tesi-del-generale-vannacci/ on Mon, 21 Aug 2023 07:06:42 +0000.