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Lockheed wins $17 billion contract for US interceptor missile

Lockheed Martin has been awarded the Next Generation Interceptor (NGI) contract to build the United States' new homeland air defense system, beating out Northrop Grumman.

The contract follows critical design review, full-cycle qualification, integration into the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) weapon system and flight testing.

The program is currently in the technology development phase and will move into the product development phase in May, writes Reuters citing the head of the Missile Defense Agency, Lieutenant General Heath Collins.

Here is a description of the program

A rich program worth 17.7 billion dollars

The program is expected to spend $17.7 billion, with follow-on manufacturing and placement contracts and initial operational capability by the final quarter of fiscal 2028.

“The American defense industry is one of our country's greatest strengths, and having to decide between two different design approaches has been very difficult,” Collins said, and, with this kind of expense, it will remain that way.

“That said, in our effort to go fast and think big, we are very confident in our decision to choose Lockheed Martin and its plans to develop and field a next-generation interceptor that will meet the operational needs of the North American Strategic Command and will be ready to be installed in 2028”.

New generation interceptor

The NGI is equipped with a multi-kill interceptor vehicle designed to protect the country from current and emerging ballistic missile threats from countries such as North Korea and Iran. It is a multi-layer system, which therefore coordinates various anti-aircraft interception tools, with the NGI interceptors at the center.

The system will replace current GMD weapon systems at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, and Fort Greely, Alaska.

The GMD developed by Boeing includes communications networks, fire control systems, globally distributed sensors and 44 ground interceptors.

“We are committed to providing reliable interceptors that will integrate seamlessly with the GMD system and can rapidly evolve with the threat,” added Sarah Hiza, vice president of Lockheed Martin's Strategic and Missile Defense division.

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The article Lockheed wins $17 billion contract for US interceptor missile comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lockheed-vince-un-contratto-da-17-miliardi-di-dollari-per-il-missile-intercettore-usa/ on Thu, 18 Apr 2024 20:28:21 +0000.