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Terrorist attack on a concert hall in Moscow. Many deaths. Videos and reactions in Russia

At least three armed people, if not four, attacked a concert hall, the "Crucus" located in the north-west of Moscow, where a concert was taking place with the participation of over a hundred spectators.

The terrorists fired on the spectators, calmly, looking for those who were trying to take cover. No attempt to take hostages – they just shot people. There are no statements or claims. Numerous videos have filtered.

Another scene taken from inside. There appear to be four attacks

internal video

There is talk of at least 40 dead, about fifty injured, but the numbers are constantly changing. One of the attackers must have had incendiary explosives because there was a large fire afterwards:


Here are some very first reactions and news from the Russian channels Meduza and RT:

✹ Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin ( https://t.me/mos_sobyanin/9973 ): “Today a terrible tragedy occurred in the Crocus City shopping center. I offer my condolences to the loved ones of the victims. I have given orders to provide all necessary assistance to all those who suffered during the accident."

✹ Spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova ( https://t.me/MariaVladimirovnaZakharova/7506) : “The Russian Foreign Ministry has received phone calls from ordinary citizens from all over the world expressing condolences over the terrible Crocus City tragedy Hall and words of strong condemnation for this bloody terrorist attack which took place before the eyes of all humanity. Now, as the Russian authorities stated, all efforts are being made to save people. The entire world community is obliged to condemn this heinous crime!”.

✹ FBK Director Ivan Zhdanov ( http://t.me/ioannZH/2664 ): “Crocus Town Hall is clearly witnessing the largest terrorist attack in recent times.
Recently, the US Embassy warned of possible terrorist attacks, including concerts.”

✹ Chief editor of Baza Nikita Mogutin ( http://t.me/mogutinik/5041 ): We draw our attention to the fact that some time ago “Western intelligence services” warned Russia about the possibility of terrorist attacks. “Baza” then reported that the Moscow police had been put on high alert, but the Interior Ministry denied, so to speak, nothing special, no readiness. What's going on, MY?”

Some terrorists barricaded themselves inside the building. According to ( https://www.interfax.ru/moscow/951929 ) Interfax, the attackers were between two and five. They were "in tactical uniform", armed with automatic weapons and started shooting at security guards and spectators. Baza writes, ( https://t.me/bazabazon/26131 ) that four terrorists managed to escape.

✹ More than 100 people were evacuated from the basement of the building, reports RIA Novosti ( https://t.me/rian_ru/237078 ), citing the Ministry of Emergencies of the Moscow Region.

✹ Helicopters were sent to put out the fire, ( https://t.me/ENews112/16936 ) writes “112”, citing a source. People who were on the roof were also evacuated with the help of lifting mechanisms, RIA Novosti reports. The fire area could reach 3,000 square meters, (https://t.me/interfaxonline/42387) reports Interfax, citing operational services.

✹ More than 70 ambulance crews are on duty (https://t.me/rian_ru/237086) on site. The FSB said (https://t.me/rian_ru/237083) that law enforcement agencies are “taking all necessary measures.”

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The article Terrorist attack on a concert hall in Moscow. Many deaths. Video and reactions in Russia comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/attacco-terroristico-a-sala-concerti-a-mosca-almeno-molti-morti-video-e-reazioni-in-russia/ on Fri, 22 Mar 2024 20:04:19 +0000.