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The robotic “Third Thumb” significantly increases the capabilities of the hand

A new decade of motor enhancement has arrived, especially with the rapid advancement of robotics and artificial intelligence technologies.

Now, a team of researchers from the University of Cambridge, led by Professor Tamar Makin of the Medical Research Council's (MRC) Cognitive and Brain Sciences Unit, in collaboration with Dani Clode, have created the 'Third Thumb'.

The Third Thumb is an additional robotic thumb that is intended to increase the wearer's range of motion, according to a statement from the scientists who built the machine. This improved the wearer's grip capabilities and extended the load-bearing capacity of the hand.

Wearable technology paves the way for consumers to perform tasks that might otherwise seem difficult or challenging to manage and sometimes impossible to accomplish.

Performing complex tasks using the robotic thumb

Disabled people would particularly benefit, as the device can help them perform complex tasks with just one hand, without the need to harmonize with other individuals.

Professor Tamar Makin said technology was changing the very definition of what it means to be human, with machines increasingly becoming part of everyday life and even the mind and body.

“These technologies open up new and exciting opportunities that can benefit society, but it is critical to consider how they can help all people equally, especially marginalized communities who are often excluded from research and development innovation,” added Makin .

“To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate and benefit from these exciting advances, we must explicitly integrate and measure inclusiveness early in the research and development process.”

Let's imagine an individual sliding the device on the opposite side of the palm from the biological thumb. The robotic thumb is controlled by a pressure sensor placed under each big toe or foot.

According to the statement, pressure from the right big toe pulls the thumb across the hand, while pressure from the left big toe pulls the thumb toward the fingers. By applying pressure with the toes, users can move the thumb across the hand or towards the fingers. here is a video that illustrates the third thumb and how it works

At the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition, participants were able to test it

The study was conducted in 2022, on the occasion of the annual Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition, where 596 participants belonging to different age groups, from three to 96 years, and social backgrounds, received the device. They were given a minute to familiarize themselves with the Thumb before performing tasks such as manipulating objects.

The vast majority of participants were able to successfully use the device within the first minute, demonstrating the ease of learning to use the Third Thumb.

The subjects were instructed to carry out two activities: the first consisted of taking pegs from a bulletin board one at a time using their thumb and placing them in a basket. Participants were instructed to move as many pegs as possible in a span of 60 seconds. A total of 333 participants completed this task.

The second task required the user to manipulate and move five or six different foam objects within 60 seconds. The objects varied in size and shape and required different manipulations with high dexterity. A total of 246 participants completed this task.

The study found that almost everyone was able to use the device immediately. Within the first minute, 98% of participants successfully manipulated objects with the Third Thumb, and only 13 were unable to perform the task.

Dani said augmentation is about designing a new relationship with technology, creating something that goes beyond just a tool and becomes an extension of the body itself.

“Given the diversity of bodies, it is critical that the design phase of wearable technology is as inclusive as possible. It is equally important that these devices are accessible and functional for a wide range of users. Furthermore, they must be easy to learn and use quickly."

Co-author Lucy Dowdall, also from the MRC Cognition and Brain Science Unit, added that in the case of motor augmentation or broader human-machine interactions, they will need to integrate seamlessly with motor and cognitive skills to be successful of the user.

We will need to take into account different ages, genders, weights, lifestyles, disabilities, as well as people's cultural and financial backgrounds, and even likes and dislikes towards technology." Physical tests conducted on large and diverse groups of people are essential to achieving this goal."

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The article Robotic “Third Thumb” Significantly Increases Hand Capabilities comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-terzo-pollice-robotico-aumenta-notevolemente-le-capacita-della-mano/ on Sun, 02 Jun 2024 15:00:59 +0000.