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2020, a bad year (also) for the climate

2020, a bad year (also) for the climate

UN data on CO2 and fossil sources are alarming. What do governments do? The italics of Nunzio Ungiusto

It closes really badly. 2020 will go down in history as one of the hottest years of the last decade.

The United Nations through the World Meteorological Organization has sent alarming signals on the conditions of the planet. 2016 was already a heavy year, but now the numbers confirm that we will remember the 2011-2020 period as the one with the highest peaks. Earth's resources are affected, starting with the oceans with warm waters and unprecedented temperatures, soils, metropolitan areas.

From West to East, with the impacts of fossil fuels, ecosystems continue to absorb enormous quantities of Co2. The UN data, in short, sound the alarm for countries outside the Paris climate agreements of 2015. But also for all those governments that have objectives of reducing air pollution. The path is slow and often confused, as we know, blocked by vetoes and propaganda.

A reflection is called for: how much money will governments really be able to put into green policies, after the Covid failures?

The UN has not overlooked the negative impacts of the Coronavirus on state budgets and on mega-health operations. But the global worsening trend had already been seen in 2019 and the green public money invested on average was below expectations. It has gone on with other damages to men and things. The voice of Greta Thunberg and millions of young people served in part.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is concerned about the threats to UNESCO's natural heritage. The goal of Paris 2015 remains that of not exceeding 1.5 ° c. 2030 is now 9 years away. What governments terribly underestimate is the reduction of energy production from fossil sources.

They are expected to drop by around 6% per year. Instead, according to the Production Gap Report's, there is an average annual increase of 2% by 2030. Change course, experts say, to prevent production levels of coal, oil and gas from exceeding the targets set in Paris for five years. does. It is not impossible and it does not help the prolixity of plans that turn into nightmares. A notice to the sailors (on sight) of the Italian government?

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/energia/2020-anno-nefasto-anche-per-il-clima/ on Thu, 03 Dec 2020 18:00:08 +0000.